Chapter 3

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I thought that I was losing my mind. I seen or I thought I seen the three wolves change into humans. I went into complete shock. My hand is still holding my gun.

"Are you alright?", I'm guessing the older Alpha asked.

"", I stuttered out. He nodded his head slowly.

"Yeah, we are called werewolves", he replied slowly, and cautiously.

"S-so your m-m-monsters", I stated.

"No, we are not fucken monsters", he growled angrily.

"Werewolves are monsters, and wolf shifters aren't monsters", I started to getting my confidence back.

"Ok, we are wolf shifters, then", he said calmly. I nodded my head.

"Why did you lead us here?", Rocky asked.

"Because your humans so you guys can get bitten, we got rid of all the zombies here but that doesn't mean that it's safe", he said.

"Not all of us are humans", I muttered lowly, hoping he didn't here. But the younger alpha did.

"What do you mean? You all smell human", he asked curiously, and confused.

"I mean...of course we all are human", I lied, hoping they didn't catch onto my lie.

"Mhmm, sure, we will go with that", the younger alpha said.

"So, why would you want to protect humans?", I asked curiously.

"Well, it seems that we don't see humans that much anymore", he hummed. I nodded.

"So, what are we doing standing here? And why did that warrior wolf attack me?", I asked.

"He didn't know if you were bitten or not", he replied. Then he added," Who's hungry?".

"I am", the girls said together. I nodded my head and follow them inside. What I saw inside was a bunch and I mean like over 200 people staring at us. I just waved awkwardly. And guess what? They friggin' chuckle. Oh wait till I get my hands on them. You never chuckle, or laugh at me. You die if you do.



~After eating~

"Well , it was nice to meet you....people, but", I paused. "We really have to go".

"Why? Did we do something? Are you scared of us? I mean we can protect you guys.....", the younger alpha ranted.

"No, you did nothing", I said.

"Are you scared of us?", he asked.

"Ya because you guys are beasts", my sarcastic self said while rolling my eyes.

"We are not beasts", he growled.

"Don't you know what sarcasm is", I said sassily.

"Oh, yeah of course we know what sarcasm is", he said.

"Uh huh sure you do, welp we gotta go, so......bye", I replied as I started to walk to the door but the door was blocked. That bastard blocked the door from me.

"Get out of my way", I said as calmly as I could.

"No", he stated firmly.

"Get away from the door, or I'll do something that I won't regret but, you will regret", I said getting mad.

"I said no. You are staying here", he growled, getting mad.

"", I angrily said, getting in his face.

"", he said the same way I did. That did it. I did the only thing that I do when I get pissed off.




I lunged at him and I.............

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