Chapter 4

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I started to try to punch him so, my fists were flying everywhere. I felt my hand hit on his face, and I smiled in satisfaction. I swung my fist towards his face again, but he was quicker than I was, and he dodged my fist. He grabbed both of my hands and held them up, and his legs and feet held my legs down. I growled in annoyance.

"Calm down, little one", he said trying to calm me down. It took a minute to process what he just called me. I growled again and he looked at me confused.

"Let me the fudgesicles go or else I will rip your throat out", I warned him. He let me go slowly.

"We are leaving and there's nothing you can do about it", I said. Then the girls had to chime in their opinions, of friggin' course. I huff in annoyance.

"Why don't we stay Kayla?", Rocky asked.

"We should stay", Sandra butted in.

"At least we would be safe", Christal replied.

"Can we please stay, Kayla?", Gloria and Julia asked in unison.

"Fine, you guys can stay, but I'm leaving", I said coldly. Suddenly, my arm was grabbed onto as I turned to leave. I looked to see who grabbed my arm and seen Rocky.

"What?", I asked harshly.

"Please stay with us. You helped us and we are thankful for that. We wanna be friends and we wanna stay here but if you are leaving then we are coming with you", she said determined with a smile. I looked at her shocked, then I looked at the other girls. They all were smiling.

"Come if you like, but I don't do good with having friends", I said honestly. I added," But it would be safer for your girls to stay here where you are protected".

"Yeah, but if you're leaving then we are coming with you for protection", Julia said.

"No, you guys are friggin' staying here and that's friggin' final", I commanded.

"But....", the girls started.

"No buts, I can't have you guys get killed because of me, so your staying here and that's final", I said while pushing the alpha kid out of my way.

"Fine, but take some protection with you. You can take 5 warrior wolves with you", the alpha kid stated.

"Why would I want to take 5 mutts with me for protection? Wait, do you think that I can't defend and protect myself?", I asked angrily.

"Of course not, but maybe it will make the girls feel better if you have protection", as he said this, the girls nodded in agreement.

"Fine, I will take 5 warrior wolves with me", I sighed.

"Good. Anyways, my name is Daxton, my father's name is Brad", the alp-I mean, Daxton said.

"Whatever, my name is Kayla", I said bored. Suddenly, 5 warrior wolves came in.

"These five warrior wolves are Steven, Colden, Morgan, Wyatt, Caleb", he said while pointing to each warrior as he said their names.

"Fine let's just go", I said.

"Okay bye", the girls hugged me then Daxton and Brad hugged me. The girls then added, "We will miss you, Kayla. Please come back one day".

"I will", I promised. They hugged me one last time.

"Bye", I nodded towards them. I walked out of the house and to my car that was stolen by me. The warriors hopped in also. I almost laughed out loud because they are so tall that their heads touch the ceiling. I looked out my window and seen Daxton coming to the car. I rolled down the window.

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