Chapter 10

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When he slammed his lips onto mine, I froze. I never kissed a guy before, and I didn't plan to. It's very rare that a fox spirit finds, or has a mate.

Once I came back to life, I pushed him with all my strength but he still didn't move.

"When I kiss you, you better kiss back", he growled.

"No. I won't do as you tell me. You are NOT my boss or alpha or whatever you want to call it", I glared. He glared right back, and tried to kiss me again but I moved my head to the side. At this moment, he growled.

"Look at me", he demanded.

"I will not. You can't just walk into my life and boss me around, mr alpha", I said.

"You will do as your friggin' told or I will have no choice but to punish you", he snapped.

"Go ahead and punish me because I don't give two shitz", I glared angrily. He did the one thing that I KNEW mates don't do to each other. It's three words. You can't guess? He slapped me. He friggin' slapped me in the face as my head turned. I snapped my head back towards his with hatred plastered on my face.

"I hate you", I spat in disgust. After I said that, he looked like a wounded puppy. In which I don't give a damn. He shouldn't of slapped me. Mates don't hurt each other, so I thought.

"Well, learn to behave and I won't have to punish you", he said softly as he went to rubbed my face. I slapped his hand away from my face. He growled and went to do that again.

"Don't.Touch.Me", I said deadly.

"You're my mate. I can touch you if I want", he said while clenching his hands.

"Maybe you should've thought of that before you slapped me", I replied angrily.

"Maybe you should've been a good girl so that I didn't have to punish you", he retorted. I shook my head in disgust and pushed him away from me, and shifted. I started to run even after he yelled at me not to.

"Get back here! You are mine and you will listen to me!", he yelled before I heard clothes shredding behind me. I started to pump my legs to go faster. My fox started to whimper.

'Why would mate do that?', she whimpered.

'I don't know. I'm not going back to him', I sighed angrily. I hate when people make my fox whimper.



After what happened, I went back to the pack house. Once I was inside, I was squished into a wolf-like hug.

"Is the future alpha your mate?", my brother, Sean asked. I nodded my head numbly.

"So, where is my room?", I asked quietly.

"Follow me", he replied. I follow him to a elevator. He clicked a button and the elevator doors opened. He clicked the 3rd floor as the elevator doors closed. Once we got to the 3rd floor, he showed me to my room. What I didn't expect was that he took me to my mates room.

"I am not sleeping in HIS room", I said while crossing my arms.

"You're his mate. You have to Alpha's orders", Sean whispered.

"No, no, I refuse", I shook my head.

"I'm sorry. But you have to", he replied while looking at the ground. I growled lowly but walked into the room. I heard the shower on and I groaned. Just friggin' fantastic. He is in here. Ugh can't he just leave me alone. I don't want him and I never will. I laid down on the bed as he came out of the shower, dressed in only a towel.

"Done checking me out?", he asked smugly.

"Yes, I'm done checking you out because I have seen better", I rolled my eyes. He growled and stalked towards me. He grabbed my neck and slammed me against the wall.

"What was that?", he asked growling angrily.

"I.Have.Seen.Better", I growled back in his face. I don't care if he hits me. What's said is said, and what's done is done.

"You'll regret saying that", He replied.I just laid there as he beat me. There's no point in fighting back, is there? I blacked out as he started to beat me.

'I'm the one person that's a fox spirit along with my family. I have a abusive alpha mate. When did my life go to hell?', I thought as I let the blackness consume me.

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