Chapter 12

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"Hey", I replied back to Sandra. I was talking to the girls. I didn't tell them anything about me finding my mate. I don't plan to either. I still don't trust many people. My mate made my trusting in people worst.

"KAYLA!!! How are you, girl?", all the girls yelled back.

"Sandra, Gloria, Rocky, Christal, and Julia calm the hell down", I said calmly.

"We miss you", Christal said as the other girls agreed.

"I don't miss you girls", I said emotionlessly. I was trying to hold my tears in.

"Yes you do", they pronounced.

"You girls are right. I do", I replied while tearing up.

"We know something happened. Please tell us", Gloria pleaded.

"I-I can't", I stuttered sadly.

"Why not?", Julia questioned.

"It's not important", I replied.

"Just tell us or else we will come get you", Christal threatened.

"Fine. I will tell you but do not and I mean DO NOT come to Montana", I warned.

"Okay okay. Fine. Just tell us and no promises", Rocky said calmly. That was when I begin to tell them.

"I found my mate. He is an alpha. He...he..he abuses me", I explained to them.

"What the hell! Mates don't hurt each other!", Gloria yelled angrily as the other girls agreed.

"I thought that to. But I'm strong and I will fight. I don't care anymore. I was given this life and I'm gonna find out why. I'm gonna also found out why he abuses me", I said determined.

"You go girl! But why don't you want us to come to Montana", Rocky asked curiously.

"I don't want you guys getting caught in the crossfire", I replied honestly.

"But we are your friend. We would do anything for you. So if want us to come to Montana and kick his ass then we would", Rocky stated with the other girls agreeing.

I smelled my mates scent coming closer to the door.

"Guys, I got to go. My mates coming", I said hurriedly with no room to argue.

"Alright. Stay safe", they said before I turned off the walkie talkie. My mate walked in.

"You still haven't eaten your food", he pointed out. I rolled my eyes. He growled and came towards me.

"Don't roll your eyes at me", he said sternly. I got pissed off real quick.

"Maybe if you weren't such a dick head and you treated me with respect then I would respect you back! Maybe if you weren't so controlling and demanding then I would listen to you! You shouldn't hurt your own damn mate because of her disrespecting you!", I yelled. By now I'm in tears. He quickly walked forward. He sat by me on the bed and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry. It's just, me and my wolf don't like people disrespecting us", he replied quietly. He wiped my tears away and laid me down on the bed with his arms around my body.

"Who were you talking to on the walkie talkie?", he asked.

"My friends", was my only reply.

"Where do they live?", he asked.

"Why do you want to know?", I asked curiously.

"Just forget it. Go to sleep. You need it", he replied sternly. I rolled my eyes but obliged. I laid down as he laid down with me. Before I went to sleep, I heard him.

"I'm so sorry on how I treat you. I just don't want to be hurt again. Mates bring nothing but weakness and pain. I love how you disrespect me and fight me. I lose control of my wolf because he gets angry at the disrespect and lashes out at you. I will try not to hurt you. I love you. Goodnight", was his speech before I got lost in darkness.

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