Chapter 6

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"So, how did your mother die? If you don't mind me asking", I asked while looking in the mirror so that I could see them in the back seat.

"Uh...u-um..well...we...don't", the boy stuttered as the girl shook, with terror racing through her body. The brother put an arm around the sister and pulled her into a hug. The girl's cries were heard in the truck.

"Is she okay?", I asked concerned. Damn it, where is all of this concern and caring coming from?

"Ya, but our mom is a....tough..subject", the boy replied.

"Oh, sorry. How old are you guys?", I asked.

"I'm 16 and my sister is 15", he said.

"Oh, I thought you guys were between 18-20", I replied while blushing. I heard the boy chuckle.

"A lot of people think that", he chuckled.

"Why?", asked Morgan.

" know, we, um, look older, I guess", he stuttered, unsure.

"Well, I heard that there is another pack in Montana. I want to live there. What about you guys?", I asked.

"Yeah, it seems cool",they nodded in agreement while the girl was sleeping.

"We are in......", I started.

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