Chapter 17

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We have been traveling for 2 days. We are still traveling. As we travel I can't help but think:

'Am I making the right decision?'

'Do I really want to give him another chance?'

'Will I be able to trust him again?'

All these questions keep popping back into my head. I can't seem to get rid of them. I know that he had hurt me but I know he didn't mean it. He only hurt me because I pissed him off. 

I sighed. I don't know what to do.

"Are you alright Kayla?", my 'mates' mother asked me. 

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just don't think I'm ready to go back to him and give him another chance", I sighed.

"You may not be ready but you need to think about the pack. What will the pack do without an Alpha or a Luna to lead them?", she asked.

"They have you", I replied, coldly. I'm still a cold-hearten bitch.

"They need you. I'm not qualified to run a pack anymore", she replied just as coldly while glaring. I flinched slightly.

"Fine but, I'm only giving him another chance to save the pack not him", I glared right back. Now it was her turn to flinch.

"I understand", was her only reply. We are in human form walking. My fist were clenching and unclenching.

"So, how far away are we?", Derek asked realizing the tension in the air.

"About 3 hours", I replied while stepping over a small log. 

"You seem unhappy about going back", Derek stated.

"I am. I'm only going back to help the pack with their alpha", I angrily stated. Nobody said anything after that being said.


~3 hours later~

It's been about 3 hours and we made it to the territory line. Once we cross, there is no going back. I cautiously stepped over the territory line. Suddenly, wolves surrounded us and growled.

"Step down. I brung the Luna home", she ordered. They stepped back and bowed in submission. I nodded and continued my way to the pack house. I stopped right outside the pack house.

"Please forgive him and give him another chance. He is in his room", my 'mates' mother said. I nodded and walked into the pack house. I walked into the elevator and went to floor 4 where his room is. I hesitatingly knocked on the door. Nobody answered but I could hear deep breathing. I opened his door and walked in. There he was laying on his back staring at the ceiling. I thought of how to get him to see that I'm here. I walked up to the one side of his bed and carefully put my right leg over his waist and I sat on him.

"Blitz. I'm back", I softly said as I caressed his cheek. He blinked a couple of times before he looked at me.

"Kayla?", he asked. He voice was rough and his voiced cracked. I looked to his side table and seen a glass of water. I took the cup in my hand and put the tip to his mouth.

"Drink", I commanded. He started to drink but continued to watch me as if I would disappear. 

"I'm giving you another chance. Your mom told me what happened. She is the one who found me and took me to you", I whispered. 

"I love you. I was wrong to abuse you like I did and I'm sorry", tears started to build up in his eyes. 

"Shhh. I'm here now and that's what matters. I'm not gonna leave you, ever", I replied as I put the cup back on the side table. I kissed him and we lived happily after that. We had 4 kids and a baby on the way. The pack was way stronger now. Everybody was happy. Derek found his mate in another pack. She was a alpha's daughter and the alpha's only kid. So Derek became a alpha of his own pack with his Luna along his side helping him.


"I love you, Kayla", Blitz smiled as he put his hands on my stomach.  

"I love you too, Blitz" and with that we kissed and well you know the rest.







Thank you everybody for reading! Unfortunately this is the end of the book. I'm not gonna make a sequel right now but maybe in the future. Please comment if you like this book or not. Please explain why you like this book or why you didn't like this book. 

Thank you,


p.s. I'll be making a new book soon! Look out for it! I don't know when I'm publishing the first chapter but hopefully it'll be soon. If you want to know what it's about then you can PM me or comment! Thank you! 

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