Chapter 14

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I sighed as I shot another zombie as I sat at the border line of the territory by myself. Of course nobody knew where I was or what I was doing. I was sitting in a tree with my gun. I heard a groan and I looked down and seen about 2 zombies. I shot the first one and the other one looked up at me and started to walk towards me.

"Ready to die", I whispered. I shot the zombie in the head and it went down.

"Kayla where are you?!", I heard someone shout. I recognize that voice. It was the voice of my mate.

"Yeah. I'm up here", I called down to him as I seen him looking for me. He looked up at me and I seen how angry he was.

"Are you okay?", I asked him, concerned.

"Why did you leave without asking?! Why didn't you at least fucken tell me?! You should have guards with you?!", he kept yelling at me. I shrunk back into the tree and decided that it would be best if I didn't say anything.

"Get down here, NOW!", he yelled up to me. I quickly got down and embraced myself for the hit. Before I knew it my head was looking to the side. He can't keep one goddamn promise.

"If you would just listen then I wouldn't have to punish you", he growled. I just nodded my head and looked down in.....fear? Since when am I afraid of anything?

"Look up when I'm speaking to you", he commanded. When I looked up I made sure that my eyes were emotionless and my face was fierce. He flinched slightly but tried to hide it.

"Next time you'll ask. You are on house rest, understand?", he asked. I nodded my head but didn't say anything. I'll just give him the silent treatment. He nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me into his chest. I growled lowly so he couldn't hear me.

"I love you, Kay", Blitz mumbled into my neck. I stood that like a statue.

"Let's get back to the pack house" he said. I just followed him.

"Look. I'm sorry that I hurt you but me and my wolf were just worried about you", he apologized. I just glared up at him.

"Why are you glaring at me?", he asked with a slight growl. I just shook my head and continued to walk to the pack house.

"Get back here!", he yelled as I started to run. I heard his feet pounding behind me. I pushed my feet to their limit. I seen the pack house come into view. Once I was inside, I ran into the kitchen and seen Blitz mom. I ran and hid behind her.

"P-Please sa-ave me", I stuttered.

"Oh dear. What did he do?", she asked.

"He h-hit me", I replied. Speaking of the devil and he shall appear. I hid further behind Blitz's mom.

"Kayla! Get out here now!", he angrily yelled. I shrunk back.

"You listen here mister. I raised you better then this. You are suppose to care and love your mate not abuse her", his mom scowled him.

"Well she needs to be punished for being bad", he growled.

"All girls are bad but so are boys. You better apologize to her and you better not do it again", she glared.

"I'm sorry", Blitz mumbled.

"I'm sorry. What was that?", I smirked.

"I'm sorry", he grumbled. I nodded as I smiled. I started to walk to the living room before I was picked up and tossed over somebody, meaning my mate, shoulder.

"Put me down", I growled.

"Nah, I like the view", he said and I knew he was smirking. I just huffed.

"That was not nice of you to hide and tell my mother", he chuckled as he slammed me against the bedroom wall.

"It was pretty funny to see the big bad alpha in trouble with his mother", I chuckled.

"Oh you bad girl", he smirked as he slammed his lips against mine.

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