Silence is Bliss

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A voice called to me. I looked around frantically trying to find the floating voice in the darkness.


The voice kept calling, getting closer to me. Suddenly a woman, appeared in front of me her eyes red and black around them. Her fangs bared and ready to attack me. I screamed as I was attacked by her blood thirst fangs.

I jumped. Fully awake and aware of my surroundings. The room was dark though I could still see slight sunlight through the dark curtain. He sleeps during the day...well that's one true stereotype. His back faced me, he didn't seem to be breathing but I figure that's just an undead thing.

I scoot along the bed to the bottom and hopped off the bed. I looked around seeing a freshly put out fit for me on the dresser. I looked to him, wondering if he'd put it there. Walking over I noticed a small note that lay on top. Picking it up, it read;


Please join me in the kitchen at 7:00pm. It is to the right of the exit and down the hall on the left. Do not make me wait.

It had no signature. I changed quickly and looked at the bedside clock, 6:49 it read. Great timing. I decided to leave now, better early than late in this hell hole. I flipped the page and found the pen the note was written in, I wrote a note for... well for Master- I guess I'll call him since I do not know his name- and put it on his night stand.

I walked up the the door and opened it softly. I was careful not to let the light hit the bed. In case other stereotypes were true. I turned right and walked down the hall until I found a door on the left labeled "Kitchen". I entered and saw an array of counters and fancy dishes. On the stove it read 6:56. I was early. Stools sat around the island counter, sitting down I waited until 7:00 rolled around. The door that I had entered from opened as a girl with nearly white blonde hair entered the room. Her figure was that of a perfect hour glass. Stunning to look at but her eyes were petrifying. Red irises the Sclera- white of the eye- was a midnight black. Could this possibly be the girl I dreamed of?

She smiled maliciously, sending chills down my spine. "Hello." She purred as a male followed her. His eyes a soulless black color, yet he seemed to stare at the ground. His hands behind his back like a guard. "You're my fiancé's new pet, yes?" She asked having a slight accent to her voice. I nodded, keeping my hands in my lap and my eyes at the floor like her demon. She walked around, pacing in front of me. "Stand and step forward." She ordered and I did as she requested. She circled me like I was her prey. "Pretty... very pretty." She muttered almost angrily until she got back in front of me. Her hand snaking out and moving my hair away from my neck, "How many times as he bit you?" She asked. "Twice." I replied and she nodded. "I will tell you now, I do not like to share but in our society I have no choice. He will take out his anger and stress on you and any positive feelings I receive. He's not an unfair man, but he can be very... cruel." She warned and I nodded. "If you somehow manage to... I dare say, steal him from me I will not be happy. I'm sure you can imagine what I will do." She purred and I swallowed hard nodding solemnly in response, unable to keep from remembering my nightmare.

After a few moments of silence she dismissed me and I walked away from that room. My heart nearly thumping out of my throat. Walking down the hall something hard shoved my body into the wall sending pain throughout my body. A hand held me by my chest against the wall, my feet dangling in the air. "Where the hell did you go?" His voice questioned, sounding enraged. I couldn't answer, the wind being knocked from my body. "She was with me Tony. I simply wanted to make sure she was suitable." Red eyes spoke quick, almost like she was trying save me. His head slowly turning to her. "I never consented to that." He growled. "I know." She said with a nod as he dropped me to the floor. I gasped for air as it slowly returned to me but I dared not stand without permission. I stayed and stared at his feet. The two bickering about my absence from his room. He growled in defeat and looked down at me, I felt his cold stare. 

"To my room, this instant." came his still angered voice. Getting up, I bolted as fast as I could back into the dark pit that is his room. Thank God for her... I guess. I guess... the saying is true, silence is bliss.

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