Family Drama

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I stayed with Lilith until Felix finally came to us. He rushed in faster than a car. "Lilith.." he whispered softly. She smirked, half a sleep. "You smell of blood." she whispered. Felix licked his teeth and I knew what he did.

Suddenly I was the one running. Running, and following the metallic and still fresh scents of blood. Down corridors and halls that seemed endless. The blood scent stopped, and so did I. I'd passed a door on my left and stepping back to it, the smell was stronger here.

Fear flooded me. What would I see? What would I do? My hand turned the golden knob, I saw two bodies. One of Clara, unconscious on the floor and the other kneeling beside her as he cleaned the blood from her neck and shirt. I couldn't see his face, and I couldn't smell who it was due to the over whelming scent of blood. You would think I'd be craving it by now... I haven't had any yet. "Is she..." I started and I was slightly alarmed by the voice I heard.

"No, she's still alive." Came Abraxas' stern voice. I was startled as I watched him. His hands gentle against her wounds and flesh. Two holes were left in her skin, a mark and soon to be scar. "I'm glad you're here actually. You can help me dress her." he said quietly. What's with him? No way this guy isn't bipolar.

"What?" I asked slightly having tuned out half of his words. "I'd rather not undress her. So.. Would you change her.... Um..please?" he asked seeming to be looking for words. "I.. Uh... Yea." I muttered as he handed me a blue silk shirt to dress Clara in.

I changed her, careful when I touched her neck and body. When I was done Abraxas lifted her into his embrace and laid her body on the couch. "What did you-" he cut me off. "No. Not me." he said quickly. "Felix?" I asked, he nodded. "They're mates." he said softly. "What will she do when she wakes?" I asked. "Look for her mate." I didn't do that. "Is that what all the Awakened do?" I asked. "Every time." he said looking at me. "I didn't." I muttered.

His eyes seemed to widen slowly. "You... Didn't?" he asked. I shook my head. "You... Stay with her. I must go." he said and left before I could say a word. "Clara.." I whispered and she jerked awake at my voice. Her eyes were blood red and her skin seemed to become porcelain before my eyes. Her breathing was normal but her heart was racing. "Clara." I said as I helped her to sit up. "Felix... Felix."

And we were off. I followed her as she ran out into the hall. Voices rang through the center room where I met everyone. "You did this!" yelled a loud male voice. "She was meant to be mine." Tony said. "Obviously not. All the signs show she isn't yours. Your skin doesn't buzz, she never looked for you after she woke. She wasn't rushing to you." That loud voice... Abraxas. "How do you..." Tony mumbled. "Okay fine. I bewitched her." Tony growled. Bewitched? Who?

I grabbed Clara who struggled against me as I held her. "What do you mean Tony?" Felix said. "Melissa.. Is not my mate." Tony said and sank my heart. I'm not.. His? "Tony.." his father said. "How dare you!" His mother, Adeline cried. "Undo it. Undo the spell." she growled. And I heard her foot steps on the marble floor.

"Undo it!!" she shouted and a loud smack rang through out the room. My eyes widened as I heard a body hit the floor. "L'amour que je l'ai jeté , que ce soit plus!!" His voice was gruff and angry. Fear, anger, and hate filled my soul. My heart burned for revenge and I wanted to go home. I recognized the words, they were French. I knew.. The love..and no more. I was put in a spell. That bastard.

I let Clara go and she sprinted in and tackled Felix. I, however, stood there like a robot. What would I do? What could I do? Slowly I stepped out. I saw Tony trying to get himself off the ground. "Melissa." Adeline whispered. Everyone looked at me, except for Tony. He was dripping blood on the floor from his busted lip. Before I knew it I was in front of him. He looked up at me, his eyes red with blood lust. "Melissa.." he whispered and my foot collided with his jaw.

His body flew several feet from me. "Don't dare say my name." I growled. What was this? Was this even me? Adeline covered her mouth as tears streamed over her cheeks. "Who the fuck are you really?" I asked. Where was this coming from? "Who.. Am I?" he repeated my words. "I... Don't know." My fist collided with his cheek. The body I gave myself to becoming bloodied and bruised. "That's not fucking good enough! Just like who ever was your real mate wasn't enough for you." I growled and his head snapped up. "Get out of my damn sight you bitch." he growled to me. "With pleasure." With that I was gone.

Running down the corridor I came through. I was gonna go home, write about this, and stay in my seclusion. At least... That's what I thought. My body was grabbed by a force stronger than me. Arms wrapping around my frame. Wait... Stronger?

In reaction I turned and punched who ever was holding me. But when I turned I regret my decision. "Cecil I..." I tried to speak. "It's okay. Why are you leaving?" he asked quietly as he snapped his nose back into place. "I can't stay here. Not with his presence." I said. "You won't have to worry about that. He is being out cast as we speak. The King sent me to make sure you didn't leave. He wants you to stay. We owe you a great deal after Tonys' poor show these past months." he explained.

We argued for sometime until I finally agreed. After walking back into the main room Adeline practically tackled me with a hug. "I'm so sorry Melissa." she whispered. "I'm okay Your Majesty really I am." I said softly. She sighed as she released me. "We had no idea." the King muttered. Felix was holding Clara who was snuggled into his chest. At least she was okay.

"I'm fine, but thank you." I said softly. "We want you to stay here. Live with us. You won't be protected with him out there." the King said. I could only nod. That makes sense... I never thought about it. After I physically abused him today I could see him trying to hurt me. "I can't repay you." I said softly. "No, it's us who can't repay you Melissa." Felix chimed. "I mean.. With out you I never would have known Clara was in the other side of the castle." he said with a soft smile. I couldn't help but etch one onto my own lips. At least I did one good thing.

Lilith suddenly walked through the doors with Cecil at her heals. She seemed different. Her features no longer portrayed a child. Lilith was showing her adulthood. Kind of scary actually. She wore a low cut black dress with lace sleeves that hung low on her shoulders. Her hair was long and black that flowed down her back and over her shoulders like a river promising death.

"Lilith..." her mother whispered. Adeline smiled happily "My beautiful girl." She said as I noticed Lilith's eyes weren't red, but a vibrant purple. "Lilith." Came Abraxas' voice now. She walked straight toward him, her height much shorter than his. Her hand raised and slapped her brother on the cheek.

My cheek burned and my head swung to the side in pain like I was the one that just got hurt. My hand held my cheek in shock and curiosity. "What the hell?" I questioned. When I looked up Liliths hand was on her mouth whispering "Oh my god" over and over again. Abraxas stared at me, surprise etched onto his features as the stinging on my skin slowly faded. He walked up to me raising his hand slowly up to my face. His hand laid on my cheek and an electric current made me jump back away from him. His own hand seeming to jerk from me. Felix smirked "Looks like you will still be able to call me brother Melissa." he said softly. Wait.. What? "Are people trying to tell me HE is my mate?" I asked, Adeline nodded, Liliths whispering got louder and the King only grinned. "Nope! Nope no uh uh no not happening no!" I kept saying various ways of saying no. I don't want to be with someone who smacked me when I first met them!!

"Might as well just live with it, Doll." Abraxas muttered. "No! You slapped me across the face when we first me, you have insane anger management issues, you're a cocky, senseless, jerk and NONE of this even seems to be fazing you." I growled and he got in my face. "Witches helped kill my family that is why I hit you because I despise them. I'm like this because it is all I have known. My anger is fueled because I know no other emotion, I only seem like everything else to you because you've never actually seen how I react. I've gotten good at the poker face." he said. His face only an inch from mine. My heart had the urge to kiss him but my mind was too busy yelling 'asshole'.

Lilith cleared her throat. "I'll show you to your new room Melissa." she said a venom in her voice tell Abraxas to stop. And with those words I walked away. I'm glad I get a room, so I can sit there and contemplate everything that just happened in less than an hour.

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