Another Change

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I woke like you thought I would have. I was comfortably being held in an embrace I never wanted to leave. But as if my body felt my awareness I was jerked up and out of my bed by the need to puke. I sprinted into the bathroom with an inhuman speed. I stopped myself on the sink counter and began to heave up every thing. All food that hadn't gone through came up and so did most of the blood I drank last night, there was also a green like substance that followed it all, the venom?

I felt hands come around my hair and pulling it into a pony tail out of my face. I glanced up to see Abraxas for a moment before I was forced to look back down at my mess in the sink. Embarrassment and sickness filled my body and mind. As soon as I stopped heaving up my stomach I turned to Abraxas, "Worth it." I muttered making him laugh. No longer feeling like I was gonna puke again I cleaned out the sink, and grabbed a tooth brush that was in a cute, fish toothbrush holder.

After brushing my teeth I sighed softly. Abraxas coming to stand behind me. "I'm sorry." he whispered softly, his lips kissing my neck softly. I leaned back into him and sighed quietly. "Like I said, worth it." I repeated and tapped his cheek lightly. I moved out from the bathroom and stripped myself of my tank top and pajama pants. Fumbling through my drawers to find comfy looking jeans and a nice green blouse. Taking them out I looked up to see Abraxas looking at me with intensity in his eyes. A look of lustful passion. I couldn't help but smile. "Something about a girl with D cup boobs and a big ass make you want to stare?" I asked and he shook himself from his hypnotized stare. "Sorry." he muttered that made me giggle. I sighed looking at the shirt and turned to him, "Can I borrow your knife?" I asked. He tossed the small blade to me and watched curiously. Measuring to spaces out I cut two holes in the green blouse. Putting it over my head and on me, my wings shrunk, moved up and through the holes, then regrew to normal size and wrapped around my neck like a cape again. I smiled to myself at my achievement.

"I forget you have those sometimes. They shrink so often." He said as we were leaving to go to the kitchen. "Yea.. I'm getting used to them." I said softly. "Oh you... Haven't had them for a while?" he asked. "No. They appeared when Tony tried to bite me the first time." I said and he stopped in his tracks. "They just... Appeared?" he asked. "Well... More or less. He shoved me into a book shelf and I guess.. My body reacted by activating my avian and my wings formed from my shoulder blades." I explained he nodded and we started walking again.

We heard laughter coming from a room in the hall. Several voices following in whatever joke was being made. I followed it and opened the door to see the King, Queen Adeline, Lilith, Cecil, Felix, and Clara. I smile when I saw all of them hanging out in the kitchen. Everyone turning and smiling to us. Clara ran to me and hugged me tight. "Oh! Melissa! Thank you!" she said happily. "Hah for what Clara?" I asked slightly confused. "You brought me to this side of the castle. If you didn't I never would have left that kitchen and found Felix." she said looking at a very slap happy Felix. I laughed at her. "Well you didn't expect me to leave you did you?" she grinned at me and shook her head.

Abraxas went around the table they were all sitting at and went into the fridge. Finding me a bottle of spring water and tossing it my way. "Thanks." I said as I caught it. "Glad to see you two getting along." the King voiced. Abraxas nodded, "Me too Father." he said. "How are you feeling?" Lilith chimed. "A little sick but I'll live." I said which made her smile.

I listened as everyone joke and laughed. I've never witnessed such a happy family. Mine was always yelling and being too busy to notice me. Apparently Adeline noticed my daydreaming. "Something wrong dear?" she asked softly. I looked up with a smile "It's nothing ma'am." I returned to her making her laugh quietly. "It's not ma'am my dear, it's mom." she said with a bright smile. I was shocked and turned to Abraxas who only nodded with a smile. "O-okay." I stuttered still slightly surprised. "Mother." Lilith inquired. "Will we still have that ball in Melissa's honor?" she asked.

"Of course. It just won't be her and Tony. It will be her and Abraxas instead." she said and I placed my head on the counter. "I still don't know how to dance..." I muttered against the marble as I felt a tap on my shoulder. "It's okay. Neither do I." Abraxas said which made me snicker. "It's true. He never stuck around long enough to learn it like Tony and I." Lilith said quietly making Abraxas look at her apologetically. "Let's teach them then." Came Cecil. "What?" Lilith asked looking at him. "I'll teach Melissa to dance and you, Mistress, can teach Sir Abraxas." he said looking at us both. "I like that idea. Good one Little Pet." she said looking back at him then to us as he bowed to her. "I knew getting him would be a good idea." The king, who's name I learned is Adam, said triumphantly.

Later that day Cecil had me meet him in the ball room. Wearing tight black yoga pants and a black tank top with flats on like he said to. He was waiting for me wearing simple black pants and black skin tight t shirt. "Let's begin."

His hand took mine and the other mu waist as waltzing music began to play. "Use the count of three with your steps." he said and led me through it counting "One, two, three." as we continued this until I became fluent in the motion. Which took half an hour.

"Not bad Melissa. We'll try adding a little more now. I lead." he said and started tugging me about the room in such elegance I didn't know who he was dancing with. I'd always been a clumsy person but today was different. My body cooperated with what I wanted to do. Between turns and spins and dips it was all perfect. When the song ended we were both staring at each other in awe and slightly out of breath. "You keep up nicely. You'll do well dancing." he said stepping away from me. "Thank you Cecil." I said as he tossed a water bottle my way and to my shock, I caught it. "Your reflexes are also getting better." he said softly as he tossed a towel at me too. Catching it I wiped my face down from little beads of sweat and drank the water. Now that I wasn't spinning I could take in the magnificence of this room. It stood 70 meters high at least and double that in length. Thousands on people could fit in here and it felt so empty with only two.

"Melissa." Came Liliths voice. "Hm?" I asked as I turned from walking back to my room. "Come on! I have to take you out dress shopping. The ball is tomorrow!" she said and gripped my hand like an iron vice. "Alright I'm coming!" I shout as I'm dragged down the hall at inhuman speeds.


Hello Pyros!
This is just a short chapter more so explaining where we are so far. I hope those of you reading are enjoying it so far. I just wanted to stop and say thank you for stopping to look at this book and for reading this far.

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