Best Friends

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Minho, he was my best friend. I didn't have any friends since moving over from the UK to study abroad. He was the first friend I made when I moved here 4 months ago and we were inseparable, best buds, together all the damn time. Not that I minded. I loved the guy, in a friendly way of course.
I watched as he sped round the track with ease, like he had ran it a thousand times and to be honest he probably had, the amount of times I've sat here on free periods or after lessons and just watched him run. He was a born runner and I was so bloody proud as he reached the finish line on his third and final lap coming out as the winner, beating Ben by a whole 2 seconds.
I dive up from my seat on the bleachers and scream as soon as he finished. I knew he could do it. Minho looks up to find me in my usual spot and his hands go in the air in victory and there's a wide smile on his face which I return as the crowd cheered for him.

"Man this is good" Minho remarks after taking a mouthful of the alcohol he had just been served. I smile and pick up my vodka and coke.
"You deserve it, you were fucking awesome out there, knew you'd win" I say proudly and he smirks
"I practice" he shrugged " So how was ratman today, still treating you like shit?" Minho asks about my drama teacher and I sigh
"I think he just hates me because I'm not american" I say with a roll of my eyes
Honestly Jansen wasn't so bad, at least at first but then he put me with this guy in my class called Newt and we had to do a small scene from Hamlet, I was Ophilia and Newt was Hamlet. We did the most dramatic scene we could and worked really hard on it and we ended up doing the best which for some reason since then Janson has been more pushy and demanding of my work which is causing me more stress than needed. I had no idea why he hated me.
Minho puts his hand on my shoulder, squeezing gently with a smile
"Fuck him, not literally, you know what I mean! Don't let him get to you man, so you and Newt rocked that scene, wish I could of been there, never been one for Hamlet or Macbeth or shit like that though" Minho says getting a laugh from me out of it and he smiles, bringing his glass to his lips again.
"Well we have plenty more acting tests to do before the 2 years is up, I'm sure you can watch a few more of them" I say and Minho smiles
"So when do I get to meet this Newt anyway?" Minho asks and I shrug.
"I dunno, soon I hope, he's really nice, he's a transfer from England too and he's really cute" I say raising my brows at Minho, knowing he courted both ways. I smile catching his intrigued look for a second before he cleared his throat and just nodded casually and I nudge his shoulder
"Come on, lets dance" Minho smiles although he rolls his eyes at my suggestion and he stands up knowing that we always have to dance, even if he has been running all afternoon, he had a shuck load of energy anyway, I don't know how he did it.

Although I had my own place I shared with house mates, making student life a little cheaper I always ended up going home with Minho over the weekends, especially if we went out drinking to celebrate his running or my acting classes or any other excuse we could find for drinking.
I collapse on Minho's king sized bed on my back, arms sprawled, my dolly shoes falling off my feet, my head not quite hitting the pillow as Minho follows me in to his room.
God I love Minho's big luxurious soft bed, I only had a single. He shared with room mates too, after all although Minho's family was well off he wasn't one for taking their money, he believed in paying for himself, standing up on his own feet, he was someone to look up to.

I open my eyes when I hear him throw his leather jacket over his computer chair and I look at the athlete stood in his tidy spacious room. Posters of bands and pictures of him with friends and family adjourned the walls, a nice simple blue rug lay at the end of his bed that he is currently standing on as he smiles down at me. His curtains were closed like always, I don't think they ever opened. His room smelled like Minho, a hint of sweat, aftershave and hair spray. He pulls his top from over his head, showing me those strong arm muscles and his well defined abs. I lick my lips and Minho rolls his eyes.
"Like what you see there English?"
I roll my eyes at Minho's great use of a nickname
"Sure do" I smirk and he steps forward and throws himself over me on the large bed, hands besides my head holding his weight so not to crush me under his large muscles and even bigger hair. I giggle, I blame it on the alcohol and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss.

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