The Kiss Scene

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"you're still at Newts?" Minho asks over the phone a few hours later. Me and Newt currently sat on his sofa, still in our undies under a blanket watching English movies.
"Yeah, I'm staying the night so we can head to uni together tomorrow"
"You can both come to mine, I'll give you a lift"
"Aww you jealous?"
"He'll no just. Bored"
"Bored huh? Nice to know we're good for something" I tease
"You're good for something"
"Innuendo, why am I not surprised"
Minho laughs down the phone
"You practising the kiss for tomorrow?" He asks trying to not sound too nosy and I chuckle, trying not to blush as I remember the way Newt's lips felt on mine.
"What would you say if we were?" I tease the athlete
"I'd say use protection"
I laugh
"Bye Minho" I say and put the phone down
"He ok?"
"He's lonely and bored" I smile
"Sounds like your boyfriend misses you"
"He's not my boyfriend!" I say sternly and Newt laughs
"Does he know that?"
I roll my eyes and nudge him
"I still think there's more to it" he grinned
"We'll you're wrong, in fact Minho kind of has his eye on you"
"We've spoken about this before" he says unamused
"Yeah, he's the popular jock, you're just the nerd, We're not at school Newt, Minho likes you, he likes me and has no interest in popularity. He doesn't see you as some unpopular drama student. He sees you as the handsome transfer"
I nod and he smiles
"So, when are you gonna man up and make your move?" I ask him
"And get my ass kicked by you, I'm not risking that"
I laugh
"I'm willing to share"
He scoffs and looks at me
"You're joking right?"
I give him a look to tell him it's a plausible idea
Newt gives me a look to say I'm crazy but I ignore him and look back to the tv.

It worried me a little how ok I actually was with that idea. Sharing Minho, It's Minho's fault. He rarely talked dirty during sex, just because he wasn't all that confident although he always manages to make me even wetter and wanting more when he talks dirty. But the things he said when we last had sex, about him wanting to watch me and Newt, I hadn't been able to get the image out of my head. It made me feel so guilty. Newt was one of my best friends, I couldn't be fantasising about him but I also knew it was now inevitable, especially after that kiss we had earlier.

It was finally time, I was standing in the next room to the drama hall where the acting was taking place for our small tests. Harriet and Zart were currently acting out their hunger games scene and once they were done we were next.
Me and Newt were alone in the room as we got ready. Me taking my skirt off and putting on the long cardigan that Newt borrowed me which covered my ass making me feel a bit more confident although I wasn't aloud to button it up to cover the front. I take a few deep breathes readying myself as Newt puts his long pea coat on and puts the diary in his inside pocket.
He smiles up at me once he was ready and we share a look. Newt could see the dread on my face and he steps up to me, looking in to my eyes.
"You look fine and your legs are killer, you have nothing to worry about, we have practised this and we have this down, ok!" I smile at Newts confidence, he was amazing at acting, I wish I was as good as him.

I nod looking down, I was feeling far from confident at the moment though.
"Hey" Newt says, putting his finger on my chin lifting my head up
"Just concentrate on me when were out there ok! it's just you and me out there, no one else, concentrate on just me" I nod causing Newt to remove his hand and he smiles.
Minho had text me 20 minutes earlier saying I was going to do awesome and that he was sneaking his way in to the seats to watch us which made me smile. Minho was going to be there, that actually calmed me.

We hear clapping and my heart beat races as I know any minute now we would have to enter the room and stand under spot lights to act out a kiss. I have never been this nervous, usually I'm excited to get out there but I've never had to act in underwear before and it was getting to me.
We hear our names and the scene were acting out from the movie and then were getting called in.
Newt squeezes my hand for a second
"Lets go show them what real acting is" I smile and follow him out in to the room.
Thankfully the spot light dimmed out the crowd, hiding how many people there actually were and I got in to position, concentrating only on Newt as he went behind the door they had placed up to the shop he was meant to come out of.
As Ratman tells us to start when ready I wait for Newt to walk through the fake door to begin.
With one last deep breath I go into acting mode, ignoring everything else but me and Newt and what we had to do.

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