Jealous, me?

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Back on the dance floor after swapping numbers in the bathroom with Jess we find Minho and Newt dancing together. Newts back to Minho's front, they were drunk but they were dancing just fine, they looked like they belonged on the dance floor dancing together. People were looking and not because of two guys dancing together, because of two very sexy guys dancing together and them being oblivious to how they were effecting all the girls surrounding them, even some of the guys were gawking at them. It was like they were oblivious to everyone and everything as they danced to the club music. Minho's eyes were on Newt body as Newt was looking at the ground, lost on his body movements, flowing easily with the music.

"Are they together?" Jess asks me and I smile

"Not yet"

We head to the bar to get another drink, Jess' ideas as I was drunk enough.

We watch the guys dancing, me sipping my Dissarono not really wanting it but Jess bought it so I couldn't not drink it.

"I'm gonna head home after this, I stayed out way longer than I told myself I was gong to" she says and I laugh

"How you getting home?" I ask her

"Taxi, gonna, erm ring one" she says nodding and I smile at how drunk she is

"Ok, I'll wait with you" I say and she nods

When she finishes her drink we head to the bathroom so she could ring a taxi and then we head back in to he club.

"I don't want to split them up, they're really getting in to it" Jess says as we look at the guys, they're facing each other now, Minho has his hands on Newts hips and they're surrounded by dancers and I smile

"Ill tell them you said bye and thanks" I say and we head outside.

Jess leans up the wall and the noise level was making my ears ring with how much quieter it is out here.

"I miss Isaac" she says and I look at her, the wall holding her up and I sigh

"You're going to" I say not really knowing how to comfort people after a break up

"He was more than my boyfriend, he was my best friend and now I never see him" I can see her eyes start to water and I freeze not really knowing what to do

"It'll be ok" is all I can think of and then I curse myself for saying it, that was dumb

She sniffles and smiles looking up to me

"You really think so?" I nod and smile

"Yeah, everything happens for a reason"

"You truly believe that?"

"Yeah I do" She smiles and wipes her eyes, smudging her makeup

"Thanks Emily" she hugs me and I hug her back tightly, wanting to cheer my new friend up

"Text me when you get home so I know you're safe, ok" I tell her as we pull away and she nods

"I will" she beams happily and I smile

When her taxi arrived I head back inside and notice Minho and Newt were no longer on the dance floor. I look around and can't find them anywhere so I text them both the same message, asking them where they were and not long later I get a text from Minho saying bar.

I walk the length of the bar and find them stood up it at the end closest to the bathroom and I smile. Newt looks flustered and Minho looks wasted, well Newt does too to be honest.

"Have a nice time up there?" I ask nodding towards the dance floor and Newt flushes even redder while Minho gives me a smile

"Why didn't you join us?" Minho asks

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