Meeting Newt

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Minho leaves me when we get out of the car and heads for the track to meet Ben and I head just outside the university to the coffee shop next door where Newts stood patiently waiting for me, his head in his phone as he texts away.
He's wearing skinny jeans, black converse and a buttoned up grey cardigan. His blond hair is fluffy and covered by a grey beanie making me think he showered this morning and couldn't be bothered to do anything with it. He looks up and smiles as he notices me walk towards him and I return it.
"Hey" he beams happily in greeting and I return it as he puts his phone away and holds the door open for me.
Inside it's filled with chatter and students. A few I recognise. Teresa, an art student I met on my first day here that helped me find my class smiled at me and I noticed she was sat with another art student I have seen countless times in the halls, Thomas.

I look at Newt to see him look down with a blush and I smile and we head for a booth by the window.
"You like him don't you" I tease and he looks up alarmed
"Who, what, Thomas?" He asks and I smile
"It's obvious Newt, go talk to him, ask him to join you for a coffee or something" I suggest and he shakes his head
"Minho, how did you become friends with him?" Newt asks chancing another glance at Thomas who's sat up the counter eating waffles with Teresa just proving my theory of him liking the guy.
"He just came up to me, vein as shit that one is. He welcomed me to uni, asked what I was studying then said he'd show me round, we ended up going for a drink after and I dunno, we just really hit it off, he's sarcastic, funny, ambitious, he's a great guy" I say and Newt sighs
"What, you are too! you're good looking, great at acting, you have nothing to worry about" I state with an encouraging smile on my face.
"There's one thing" he says and I look at him waiting for him to elaborate
"I don't think he swings that way" He looks over at Teresa and Thomas and I take it all in.
Yep, Thomas seemed all over Teresa, there was no denying that, they might actually be together with the way they smile and brush each others arms. I look at Newt saddened at this
"Minho does though and he's dying to meet you" I say and he looks at me, the frown on his face completely gone and he's almost smiling
"Minho, really, I thought . . "
"Yeah you though wrong" I say and Newt smiles as the waiter comes over to us, asking if we wanted just our regular teas. We are English after all.

Thankfully as it was a weekend and most of the school was locked up, although a few places were left open like the music hall and the track and gym so some students could practice over the weekend if they wished. That meant the Drama and Art building was mostly locked, just 2 rooms left open for practice for us. It also meant teachers weren't here, unless they had some work to do but Janson wasn't here and we went in the building to the main room open to all to find our folders.
"I swear Janson's always late finishing up our work schedules because he likes to make us come back to this place on a weekend" Newt says as he holds the door for me as we enter the building. I laugh
"Yeah, I think you hit the nail right on the head there" I state
"The what?" Someone asks and I turn to see Gally with a confused look on his face. He was another drama student, he wasn't in our class though.
"It's an English expression" I say and he rolls his eyes and walks away like he's ashamed to be seen with us
"What's his problem?" I ask and Newt just shrugs as we head for our folders.
"So what you doing now?" I ask Newt as we sit on a bench by the car park to see what we had been given to do a few minutes later.
"I've got nothing planned, was just gonna go home and play my xbox for a bit" he says and I smile
"I'm going back to Min's, he said you're welcome to come hang out, he's giving me a lift soon" I say and Newt looks up at me
"Erm, he actually asked?"
"Yeah, me and Min are best friends, a friend of his is a friend of mine and vise versa" I state with a shrug and he nibbles his lip in thought which I thought was really cute. It's a damn shame he's gay.
"Yeah, sounds good" he says and I smile and get my phone out to text Minho.

'We're done, what time we heading back?' I send him then look at my folder
"So what we got?" I ask flicking through the folder to find the new added wallet with our latest work load for the coming week.
I glance at Newt but have to look back as I look away. Newt looks worried.
He looks at me with a bit of a guilty expression
"It's erm!"
Newt doesn't finish but I know he isn't exactly fond of what we have to do
"Bridget Jones fucking diary, the knickers kiss, is Janson insane!"
"So you've watched it?" Newt asks, clearly trying to lighten the mood
I look at him but as soon as I look at my friends face the anger fades and I sigh
"Which English woman hasn't seen those films?" I ask and he shrugs and we both smile
"Oh man" I say closing the folder
"Yeah" Newt says quietly and I frown
My phone beeps letting me know I have a text. I open it up straight away to read a message from Minho
'Come to the tracks and watch my fine ass run for a while, you know you want to ;)'
I roll my eyes but smile, Minho always managed to put a smile on my face
'You just want Newt to watch your fine ass!'
'So you're admitting my ass is indeed fine?' He replies and I laugh as I tell Newt were meeting Minho at the tracks
'We all know you have a fine ass Minho, along with fine.. other things ;)'
';) you love it English'

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