Minho the acting coach?

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"What did you think of Minho?"
I text Newt once I was lying in Minho's bed that night as Minho was having a wash in his bathroom
"He seems nice" was Newts small reply
"He is right, not your typical popular bully douche, he said I should have introduced you both sooner"
"I was expecting him to be like that but yeah, he's nice, have to hang out more, you sure he's gay and you're not dating?"
"Were not together Newt :) besides he's bi. like Min said, you're always welcome round"
I put my phone down when Minho enters the bedroom and I smile as he turns the light off and climbs in bed, staying on his own side, no sex tonight it seems. We may be young adults but we wasn't horny all the time and we fell to sleep easily together.
We wake up sweaty and moulded together, our legs entwined together and Minho's arm over my stomach as he snored lightly in to my ear. I smile and peer at the sleeping runner next to me. He was usually awake before me so I enjoyed just being cuddled up to my friend for a few minutes longer before the bathroom called.

Monday morning Newt was waiting on the car park bench like we had planned yesterday through texts.
Minho waves to Newt, locking up his car and heading in the other direction towards the sports building and I head over to Newt.
"Ready for that dreaded talk with Ratman?" Newt asks, gripping his books to his chest, His hair was a lot neater today and he wore a beatles t-shirt with his signature skinny jeans and converse. I smile looking at him wondering if he knew how handsome he looked before I snap myself out of drooling over my gay friend and shrug
"Let's get it over with!"
Inside our room it's full of chatter as our class mates are stood around the room, some collecting a chair from the stacks from the side to sit down. Janson was sat at his desk looking over something while a student talked to him. By the looks of things she didn't seem happy with her assignment either. Me and Newt share a look before Zart approaches us, looking from the girl talking to our teacher to us again.
"You'll never guess what me and Harriet got for our project" he says and Newt nods his head in a questioning way.
"Only The Hunger Games!" He says like it's the worst thing ever
"Really, what's so bad about that?" I ask confused
"I'm Peeta, Harriet's Katness"
"Yeah I really don't see what's wrong with that one" Newt smiles at his friend and Zart rolls his eyes
"It's only the scene where Katness kisses Peeta while they're in the cave!"
"Bloody hell" Newt says and Zart runs a hand through his mop of blond hair
"Right! it's ridiculous, Harriet's going to see if we can change scenes" Zart says and we all look over to the girl who I now know is called Harriet. Jansons finally looking up to the pretty girl with a stern look on his face. He says something and Harriet sighs and walks towards us looking annoyed
"He won't let us change it, said he'd give us an instant fail if we decide not to do it. Apparently the themes love for all of us, said he's giving us all a challenge, the bastard said one day we may have to kiss a guy on camera we don't like and that it's part of the job so deal with it!" She mutters angrily
"He actually said that" I ask her
She nods sadly and I look to Ratman who's got his head back in that folder
"What did you guys get?" Harriet asks us
"Bridget Jones" I state and Harriet smiles
"Which scene?"
"The one where I have to stand in my knickers and kiss the guy" I exclaim and Harriet's mouth drops
"You have to stand in your underwear?" She asks
I see Zart smile and I refrain from giving him evils. I didn't really know the guys that well, he was Newts friend not mine.
"Shit, that's unlucky, I thought having to kiss that idiot was bad enough" Harriet says on about Zart and he smirks with an eye roll
"Still want to talk to him?" Newt asks and I sigh
"Yeah, the kiss I don't mind but I do not want to stand in my knickers" I exclaim and Newt nods and we give a look to say wish us good luck before we walk over to him.
"What?" the man asks as we approach, giving us a quick glance before jotting something down in his folder
"Were here about the scene we have been given" I say and he sighs
"Oh you're only the 9th person to talk to me about it this morning and I'll tell you what I have told them. No!" I look to Newt and he purses his lips together in a look of defeat
"Do I have to stand in my underwear?" I ask and he looks up at me stopping what he was doing and he sighs
"Is this what this is about?" he asks and I nod
"I don't mind the kiss sir, I understand kissing is a part of acting but, standing in front of all the drama teachers, all the drama student in just a t-shirt and my underwear, well frankly I think it's a bit degrading, you have to admit that" I state and I see Newt smile at me and Ratman sighs
"Think of it this way, yes a kiss is a part of acting, so is showing skin, believe me I could have picked a lot worse, you are not the only student having to wear something ridiculous, although I'll admit yours is the most, degrading, as you put it" I glare at him but he just smirks at my reaction and I can't believe he smirked at me, the bastards enjoying this.
"Do you not think that's unfair" I say and he sits back with a smile
"Life isn't fair"
We look at each other for a few seconds, I'm filled with rage and anger
"You know what sir, you're doing this on purpose, you hate me and Newt for some reason, do you have something against us being from another country maybe? you know Newts gay and would find the kiss uncomfortable and you know I would hate the underwear wearing, you're doing this on purpose" I say
I'm calm saying it though, only saying it quietly for Newt sake, I didn't know if he had told anyone he was gay and I wasn't about to go shouting it out, besides I didn't want to shout at my drama teacher, this was bad enough just saying it to him.
Ratman sits forward, his features lighting up and he rolls his eyes
"I'm offended, Newt is that what you think?" Newt furrows his brows and looks from me
"I just think you're being unfair" Jensen nods and looks to me
"I honestly have no problem with you or Newt. I'm nothing but impressed, you both clearly worked very hard to get to where you are now, at this university. My decision is final though, I picked scenes that were meant to be a challenge to you all. If you choose not to do it, which you can, I will not stop you, but if you do then you will fail automatically, if that's what you want then go ahead but I do not have a problem with either of you, now take your seats" His last words were stern, no room for argument and I want to growl but keep quiet as we head for the chairs to sit down in the circle we do every lesson.
Newt was quiet all morning and spent most the lesson just talking to Zart and Harriet. I get worried, maybe I have said something wrong. Was I out of line accusing Janson of hating us because were English, yeah maybe but I wouldn't put it past him, Ratman was a shady twat and I knew it!
Thankfully dinner hit and I walked out the class with Newt at my side as I waited for him.
"Newt are you ok?" I ask and he nods and I frown
"I'm sorry, my accusation could have gotten us in to big trouble with Ratface, I should have talked to him alone, sorry" I mutter looking down feeling guilty
"No it's fine, I know Jansons got it out for us for some reason and he's wrong for making you do a scene like that" he says making me feel a little better and I smile
"Really, you're ok, you haven't spoken to me all lesson, thought you hated me" I state and he smiles
"No it's just, well" he stops and I stop too and look at him. He's biting his lip looking at me for a while before he thinks of how to word what he wanted to say
"I'm not gay, well I am but, my first love actually was a girl, I kinda ... don't have a preference" he shrugs
"Oh" Is all I can really say before I smile guiltily
"I'm sorry for just assuming Newt, it's not like you look gay I just thought with the way you blushed every time Thomas waved, smiled or said hi-"
"No it's fine, I should of told you though I guess it never really came up in conversation" he admits and I smile
"No it's fine honest, so were good right?" I ask and Newt rolls his eyes and we carry on walking
"Were good ya shank" he says and I laugh and we head for the track to eat with Minho on the bleachers and fill him in on our conversation with Ratman.
"I'm so proud of you English, sticking up to Ratman like that" Minho says as we eat and I smile.
"Yeah well I could have gotten in to big trouble, no more accusations at teachers from now on" I mutter still feeling a little bad for Newt on this and Minho rolls his eyes
"He's a slinthead anyway, so you have to do the scene in your undies?" Minho asks seriously, no sarcasm or smirk on his face and this is when I know why Minho is my best friend. He has his caring moments when he shows he cares about me and I nod and he frowns
"That sucks, you can borrow one of my tops, they fit you as dresses anyway" he says
"Thank you" Minho nods like it's nothing and I smile as he takes a bite from his sandwich.
"So, how long you got till you have to perform it?" Minho asks around a mouthful and I roll my eyes
"2 weeks, well 1 week and 5 days now" Newt answers
"But you had a month for Hamlet!" he says with furrowed brows
"Yeah but this scene is leagues easier than Hamlet" I say

During the rest of the day Minho didn't stop texting me. Mostly just to see if I was ok and that Ratman wasn't singling me out, as well as making me smile. He said he's meeting me after class as he's taking me and Newt for a hot beverage.

Sat at a booth. Minho looking nice and fresh from his after workout shower he orders us a tea and himself a caramel latte and then he's asking the most ridiculous question ever.

"You want to help us?" Newt asks the runner surprised.
"Yeah, it'll be fun. I'll be like your coach but for acting" Minho's smile is wide and I cant help but smile.
"Do you know what you're doing? No offence Minho but you're an athlete, not an actor" Newt says with a soft smile.
Minho waves him off
"How hard can it be?"
"You just want to see us kiss" I tease and Minho rolls his eyes
Minho kicks me under the table and I laugh while Newt was left to just look between us both confused. The look was cute on him.
The ride back to Minho's afterwards was full of excited chatter from Minho about how he's going to be the best acting coach there ever has been and ever will be, making Newt see the over exaggerated way Minho can get sometimes but I adored his enthusiasm even if I wasn't going to take his teachings seriously. Like Newt said he's a runner not an actor.

Me and Newt sit on Minho's bed going over our lines, trying to learn them word for word. Were saying them back and forth, me putting on a very Bridget jonesey voice.
Minho laughs as he walks in with 3 cans of coke in his hands and I sneer at him
"No carry on, that's good, very erm, very her" Minho says closing the door with his ass and handing us the drinks. I snatch and glare at him but he just smiles and pulls the computer chair round to sit on to watch us.
"Alright then, lets hear it" Minho says and Newt opens his can and nods at me to begin. I clear my throat and look away from the folder with the scene printed on it. I couldn't have the script in my hand when I was on stage.
Newt holds the can of coke up when he refers to the diary and Minho smiles and then Newt sips after holding it up in a cheers way. We did it without flaws, it was easy.
"What about the kisses?" Minho says, a serious tone and expression making me know he's actually taking this seriously and I roll my eyes
"The kiss is as much as the act as the words and your expressions, I know you're a perfectionist girl" Minho says making me think back to the time when I got the script for the made up play us students had to make and it was over 4 lines of words and I struggled to mesmerise it all and got really moody. Minho had to fuck my brains out just to cheer me up. I smile at Minho and he returns it knowingly and I roll my eyes and look to Newt.
Newt looks unsure but only for a few seconds then he shrugs
"I guess practice wouldn't hurt" he says and Minho beams

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