The Rave

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Minho- Where's you and the other English?

I show Newt Minho's text over our teas and brownies over lunch Thursday  sat in the coffee shop next door and Newt laughs at his choice of words. I reply, telling Minho where to find us and a few minutes later he's falling into the seat next to me.

"I found it!" He says proudly and me and Newt look at him confused

"The rave! it's definatly tomorrow , Pete said It's Dean's get up, apparently he found this huge abandoned industrial type building, he's been clearing it out with Erik and Scott, he's- Suddenly my phone rings, I look at my phone to see it's Jess. I try not to roll my eyes and I answer with a forced smile as Minho continues chatting away excitedly

"Jess" I say sounding happy to speak to her, for the 3rd time today

"Hey so, I've just left the track, where are you guys?"

"Oh were at the coffee shop just outside the grounds"

"Oh ok, cool, I'll be there in a few" She says

"Ok, see you in a few" I say and put the phone down

"Jess?" Newt asks, a knowing smile. I roll my eyes and put my phone in my pocket.

"Yeah, she will be here any minute" I say sounding overly enthusiastic

"S'up, thought you were friends with the girl?" Minho asks

"I am, I mean she's nice it's just, it's like I'm her only friend you know and she can't go 10 minutes without texting me, it's getting annoying" I say

"So tell her" Minho says

"I don't want to hurt her feelings, she's still getting over a breakup and I actually don't think she has any friends, I'm just trying to be nice here" I state

"Yeah but there's only so much you can do and take" Newt says and I smile at him, he has a point.

"Hey Jess" I say happily and the boys greet her as she walks in a few minutes later like we knew she would.

"Sit down" I say and she sits in the only other spare seat next to Newt opposite me and Minho

"So hows my three favourite people?" She asks

"So, Jess likes to talk to Minho I've gathered" Newt says giving me a knowing smile as we walk into our drama room after dinner.

"Yep, I knew straight away she liked him but hey, who doesn't right" I say to Newt, giving him a wink and he blushes and nudges me

"Are you ever going to let me live that down?" he asks

"Nope! I still haven't had all the dirty details yet" I remind him, not telling him that Minho had been more than willing to share them, what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

Newt nudges me

"Not going to happen!"

Friday Minho left Uni with Newt so they could hang out at Minhos until it was time for the rave and I went to Jess' so we could get ready together hoping the guys would be ok with just the two of them. They weren't quite back to normal just yet although Minho had apologised and Newt had accepted, we hadn't all shared the bed together since.

Jess opened her wardrobe and rummaged through her clothes, pulling out over 80% and throwing them onto her bed.

"The last rave I went to was awesome, it had uv lights and glo sticks so it's best to wear something that reacts with the uv lights and black lights, ohh like that pink t-shirt" she says lobbing the pink thing at me.

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