Right In The Feels

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At Uni the next day, sat with Newt, Ben and Minho, Jess walked over to us and called me down to the bottom of the steps.

"So I got your apology yesterday" she says looking at her feet as I step up to her

She peers up and I give her a soft smile

"I'm sorry Jess, I like you a lot more than Isaac, loads more than to lose you as a friend because of something stupid" I state and she sighs

"I still love him and it's hard just seeing him talk to other girls, never mind kiss them" she states sadly

"Have you thought maybe he's a dick that kissed me just to get to you?" I ask her. Minho mentioned it the other day and I though maybe Minho was right, a guy would do that, right?

"I dunno, you're prettier than me" she shrugs looking at her feet again and I scoff

"I wouldn't be surprised if he did genuinely like you, everyone knows you have a thing with the hottest and best athlete at uni, Isaac likes competition, maybe that's why he got bored of me" She states and I put my hands on her shoulders

"There's nothing unattractive or boring about you Jess, you need to let him go, everyone falls in love more than once, trust me!"

She frowns and looks over to Minho and Newt then back to me

"I bet they hate me for ignoring you, hell I bet you hate me!" She says sadly

"No I don't hate you, I understand and don't blame you for not wanting to speak to me"

"But it was Isaac, even Minho said he was the one that kissed you and you pushed him away, I was too angry to see anything other than you both kissing and I'm sorry"

I smile "Minho told you that? that's funny, he was also too angry to see that at first"

"So Minho got angry at you too?" She asks and I tilt my head

"A little, yeah but I think he was mostly angry at Isaac when Newt explained rationally what happened" I say with a smile

"I'm sorry Emily, I was stupid, Isaac shouldn't get between me and my friends, he's a bellend" I laugh

"So, you want to spend dinner with us?" I ask and she nods and I lead her back up to the guys.

"So what, you're spending all Saturday with Jess?" Minho asks Thursday night sat at Minho's. I was currently playing Skyrim on my downloaded profile on Mins xbox while the guys played Magic. I could never understand that card game so I stayed away from it.

"Yeah, were going shopping then going for donuts and bubble tea, then were gonna hang at her house doing face masks and watching chick flicks and she even said she's paying for it all to say sorry" I state

"That sounds ridiculous, chick flicks, really English?" Minho says in a disappointed and teasing way.

"Oh like you didn't watch Saint Trinians with me last month" I say and Newt laughs

"I didn't watch it, not all of it anyway, that girls hot though" Minho states and I roll my eyes

"Why don't you two do something instead of spending all day stuck between these 4 walls on Saturday?" I state not looking away from the screen as I was currently killing foreswarn.

"Do what though?" Minho asks

20 minutes later after the mention of everything there is to do they have planned a whole day out together. Stay in bed till 12 then go for a subway in town, then shop around for new running shoes for Minho before driving to the movies to see what's on then come back and eat Albys cooking an play xbox.

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