Friendships are fragile

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I smile, standing in front of the boys as they sat on the end of Minho's king sized bed.

They both look cautious of me, like I'm going to start crying or slap them both, maybe I should toy with them. My smile grows and Minho's left brow raises.

"This room stinks of sex!" Is all I say, trying to keep my smile as vaig as possible, I was currently struggling.

They're both just looking at me, Newt looks a lot more nervous than Minho does, Minho's smiling at me now, he can see I can't stop hiding my smile so I give up and laugh and sit between them both.

"Can I watch next time?" I ask sarcastically and Minho smiles at me and I look at Newt, his brown eyes wide, his lips parted and I smile at the shock on his face.

"Told you she was cool with it" Minho says leaning forward to look at Newt. Newt exhales and smiles cutely at Minho and I smile looking at them both

"So hows this work, we share him?" I ask teasingly looking to Newt and I swear his eyes are going to pop out of his skull

"I've been thinking about this" Minho says drawing both of our attention

"I googled it" I roll my eyes at the word google coming from Minho's mouth and he holds his hands up

"No trust me" he says with a nod and I cross my arms

"It was a joke Minho, you're just gonna be tired, a lot" I state and he laughs shaking his head

"Just hear me out woman!" I smile but keep my mouth closed

"But first I want you both to kiss"

Me and Newt give Minho a 'what' expression and he smiles

"For me, please, you've done it before but this time I want it to be real, although I'm pretty sure that was real on stage but, whatever" he says and I look at Newt questionably and hes also giving me the same look.

"Just, for me, please!" Minho begs causing me to look back at Newt.

Newt sighs and we both tilt our heads as a gesture of ok and we both look at each other. I look back at Minho and he nods encouragingly and I frown before looking back to Newt, his lips only inches from mine.

Newt closes his eyes, looking like he wanted to get it out of the way and his lips touch mine and I close my eyes too.

The butterfly's make an appearance in my stomache again as our lips move together

"Now ill tell you when to stop" Minho says and I get the urge to kick him.

Newt brings his hand up to my cheek and I find myself smiling. If there was one thing I loved about kissing it was that! it reminded me of how Minho kissed me differently this morning, and now I'm bloody kissing my other best friend in front of him in the same caring way.

I realised I really liked kissing Newt, he was addictive, the way he moves, the way he feels, the way he tastes, everything was comfortable, easy and felt right. I'm finding myself inching closer and Newts other hand touches my hip then moves to my back, we swap sides, sharing a smile as we do and kiss a little more heated. After a while I just wanted to rip his clothes off, feeling the heat run through my body, between my legs. We had to stop and soon. That was harder than it seemed.

Newt was the one to pull away a moment later and he's looking at Minho, his eyebrows raised in amusement, Newt's drawn down angrily.

"You weren't going to tell us when to stop, were you!?" He sneers and Minho shrugs

"1 minutes and 22 seconds you were kissing, you can't tell me you didn't feel something?" Minho asks casually and Newt moves his hands from my face to his and he sighs

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