Making friends

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The week flew by, spending every moment with my two best friends, going to the arcade, playing xbox and eating pizza, hanging out at the track at uni. Yesterday we ate at a resturant Newt likes to go to, just a small burger joint really ran by a guy called Fry that Newt had become friends with as he was a regular, getting us all a discount and me and Newt spent the night at Minho's bounds as it was Saturday tomorrow, the day we get our results on the test at uni. Minho was spending the day with Ben at the track anyway so he said he'd give us a lift.

We all shared his bed without even mentioning it, we had been sat on the bed the past hour and half anyway watching a horror. I was on the edge this time though with Minho in the middle and I woke up with a mixture of happiness and jealousy.

Minho had his arm over Newts stomach and his head on Newts arm. They were both wearing jogging bottoms, Minho lending Newt a pair to sleep in. I grabbed my phone off the floor and turned it on silent before snapping a picture of them both and then locked my phone before going to the toilet. When I returned they were both still lying there cuddling. I smile and watch them for a minute and then realise Minho had a boner, oh boy.

I try not to laugh and climb in to bed and carefully pry Minho off of Newt. Minho snaps his eyes open and I shush him and lean in to whisper in his ear.

"You have a little problem" He looks at me confused before I nod towards his boner

He narrows his eyes at me when he looks back up

"Little?" I roll my eyes. He was quick witted, even when he had just woken up

"I don't think Newt wants to see that" I whisper and he nods and climbs out of bed, heading for the bathroom to take care of business and I smile and lie back down. I think Minho was meeting Ben at 10 so if me and Newt wanted a lift we had better get up soon.

I lean on my right arm and shuffle up to Newt.

"Newt" I say softy and he turns his head to face me but his eyes are still closed. I take him in. Shirtless, the blanket half way down his torso, his hair messy and his features relaxed. I felt bad waking him but I also wanted to touch him, to run my hand over his chest and down his stomach. I sigh and remove the thought. It was bad liking this guy, he was my best friend and I was already sleeping with my other best friend. Newt was right to be worried, everything was fucked up and being my friend would cause you to be fucked up.

"Hey Newt" I say, placing my hand on his shoulder furthest from me and giving him a little shake. His eyes open warily, blinking a few times and then he smiles, he smiles at seeing me and my breath gets caught and I find myself smiling back.

"Time is it?" he asks sitting up and rubbing his eyes which was the cutest thing I've even seen

"Erm, 9" I say and he nods and looks around

"Where's Minho?" he asks and I smile

"Bathroom" I say not elaborating and he nods and yawns and I just smile at him

"We better get up then" he says and I nod as he climbs out of bed. I try to not drink him in but it was hard not to, kind of like looking at Minho, Both guys were stupidly handsome and even more so with skin showing. It wasn't fair, being that good looking was a crime.

We say goodbye to Minho when we reach the parking lot and head for our classroom.

There were so many students here, most were from different classes to us, we were first years and there was even some 2nd year students here too, they must also have results or work folders to pick up. I follow Newt over to Zart who gives us both a smile. Harriet walks over after spotting us, walking with a pretty blond girl who was in a different class to us.

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