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~Chapter 3

Short little interlude thing. I hate obvious chapter titles but oh well.

Rose's POV


I can't breathe. My whole body's shaking, and bloods seeping out from my stomach and spilling everywhere. I can't stop it. The Doctor's at my side, trying to stop the blood, but it's no use. I scream in pain.

"Doctor." I move my hand to his face "Don't leave me."

"Never" he says, and presses a towel to my side. Pain surges through me, and I scream out in pain again. I know the end is near, too much blood. Red everywhere. My visions hazy, but I can just make out the Doctor leaning over me, and suddenly it becomes hard to breathe.

"I-" I choke out. My throat hurts, I scream in pain again. The blood won't stop. I am aware that me and the Doctor are both crying. I don't know why. Why am I bleeding? But I know I have to say something to the Doctor before it's too late. I try to speak again, but I'm fading away, it's too late. Then I feel someone grab my shoulders, "Rose!" A voice says, and again "Rose!"...

Suddenly I wake up, with a real pair of hands on my shoulders, The Doctor shaking me awake. "Rose!" He says. I sit bolt up right panting. I'm sweating and my heart's beating so hard in my chest. Tears are spilling down my face.

"You're really here." I say, relieved after my horrible dream. I wrap my arms around The Doctor and he holds me close.

"Of course I am, I'm not exactly going anywhere," He says "What was that?"

"It was just a nightmare." I say, and hug him tighter.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks. I nod and pull back.

"I was bleeding, so much. I don't know why....can't really remember. But you were trying to save me and you couldn't, and then...I needed to tell you something important, but I couldn't speak, my voice was jammed in my throat. The pain felt so real, I couldn't breathe." I say. The Doctor wipes away a cascading tear.

"You're fine now, you know it wasn't real," He pulls me in for another hug, and I bury my face in his shoulder "Do you get nightmares often?"

"Not usually, occasionally yes but never as bad as that."

"I suggest you get some sleep, or else you'll be tired in the morning" the Doctor says.

"But what about you? Won't you be tired?" I ask. The Doctor shakes his head.

"Nah, I'll be fine. I may go for a little walk, get some air." He says.

"It's 2:30am." I say, looking at the clock.

"I know," he shrugs.

"Doctor...I.." I start, but shake my head.

"What is it?" He asks.

"It's fine, don't worry." I say, and look away, almost ashamed at what I was about to ask.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" His voice is gentle, reassuring. I look over at him.

"How did you?..."

"I can see it in your face." He smiles "Of course I'll stay with you." He says, and lies back down on the bed, pulling me beside him. But this time, feeling more confident, I roll over and lay my head on his chest. I feel his heart rate increase underneath me. Could he be nervous? No. It must just be him, y'know - being a Timelord, he probably just has a faster heartbeat.

"Thank you" I whisper.

"Good night, Rose." He says, and hugs me against him, switching off the light.

"Night, Doctor." I say for a second time that night, and he holds me in his arms as I drift off to sleep once more.

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