No One But Us

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~Chapter 21

Here it is guys! Sorry again for the very late update, been very busy! Love you all, hope you enjoy this!
Ella :D


We finally break the kiss and my hearts are soaring, I'm struggling to find the air to breathe. "Rose, I, I didn't know if you could hear me." I say, and stare her intently in the eyes, is both still holding each other close.
"I always hear you" she says, and presses her forehead to mine.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to say that" I say, and am surprised when I hear my voice crack a little with all the motion building up inside me. I cough to try and cover it.
"Me too, it was getting unbearable" Rose says and gives a little laugh. I smile and move my hand to her waist, but she gasps as I do. I quickly pull away my hand, suddenly remembering the stab wound.
"Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" I say quickly.
"I'm fine" she says with a little smile, but I can see the pain behind her eyes. Her hands are positioned over the wound on her waist, and she looks paler than ever before. I look around and see there are no nurses near by. I quickly press a button at the end of the bed and a nurse comes quickly round the corner.
"She's awake?!" The nurse with fiery hair says "Why, you never said!"
"Just now" Rose says.
"That's the quickest on our records, Miss Tyler. How are you feeling?" The nurse asks.
"Alright-" Rose starts.
"No. She's in pain. I suggest you hook her off the support machine and top her up with antibiotics and pain killers for a faster recovery"
"Quite the expert, are you?" The nurse says with an amused expression.
"I'm a Doctor" I nod. Rose smirks a little.
"Okay sir, that's not such a bad idea" the nurse says, and calls for a Doctor to help her. I sigh, knowing I could do a much better job, but they'd never let me help here. I grab Roses hand and squeeze it.
"The sooner we can get out of here the better" I whisper to her.
"I know. I'm beginnin' to hate this place" she whispers back whilst shrivelling up her nose.
"It's not great" I whisper back. She smiles lightly and I hold her gaze, wanting to get out of this hospital as soon as possible.

We let the nurse and the Doctor finish up before they leave us both alone. I look out the window briefly and see a misty fog wafting in the air through the moonlight, and the clock on the wall reads "3:02AM".
"It's late, you should sleep" I say to Rose, still holding her hand.
"I'm not sleepin', not now" Rose says.
"But you need rest-"
"Not now" she shakes her head and I notice her eyes watering a little.
"Are you okay?" I ask gently, and smooth my thumb up and down her palm.
"Fine, yeah." She says, and tries to shake off whatever's building up inside her. I watch her a moment, struggling to hold tears back and trying to remain strong. She usually always manages to remain strong, rarely ever crying in front of anyone, especially me.
"Rose, if you need to cry, and talk, don't be afraid" I say. But by the time I've said that she's already stood up out of bed. A tear escapes the corner of her right eye, and she sucks in a shaky breath before I wrap her in a steady embrace. I let her cry against me and I hold her close, she must've been holding this in the whole time.
"What is it?" I ask gently after a while, and plant a kiss on the top of her blonde head.
"Let's talk" she says quietly. She sits on the edge of her bed and I take the seat.
"I'm sorry-"
"Don't. You've said already and it wasn't your fault" she says a little shakily.
"But I should've been there for you, and I wasn't"
"Nobody can be everywhere Doctor, not even you" she shakes her head and closes her eyes for a brief second "But you need to know I saw you" she says.
"What?" I ask, a little confused.
"I saw you and Jane..." She says and shakes her head "Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything"
"Wait, you didn't hear me earlier?"
"When?" She asks.
"When you were thrown to the floor by Mike, I told you about Jane..."
"I was knocked out, and wasn't stable so couldn't hear you then" she shakes her head.
"I didn't kiss her, Rose. It was her that pinned me down and kissed me, I never wanted that to happen." I say. She looks at me intently.
"But you love her too?" She asks, her voice shaking a little, hands clasped tightly in her lap.
"No. No, I don't. And I never will." I say "I can never love anyone more than you, you have to know that" I say. She nods her head and wipes away a tear.
"I know, and I love you more than anyone too, Doctor. But it took us so long to tell each other, and I didn't know whether you had feelings for other people by then"
"I've never had feelings for anyone else, Rose. Never like this" I say. She smiles a little.
"Me neither" she says. Just at that, the door bursts open. And right there stands Jane. Me and Rose both freeze.
"Where's Mike?" She asks sternly, her expression darker than I've ever see it before.
"How did you get in here?" I ask sternly.
"Through the door, idiot" she snarls "now where is Mike?"
"In prison, where he should be" Rose says.
"How do you know Mike, anyway?" I ask. Jane shakes her head.
"Prison? What do you mean?"
"He stabbed and attacked me, why do you think?" Rose says.
"I didn't know" Jane says "I thought he would've at least waited for me"
"Waited for you? Wait, how do you know him?"
"We travelled here together, and we have had the same plan all along"
"Which was?" I ask.
"The fate of Rose Tyler of course" Jane smiles a little, and I notice her hand drift towards her back pocket.
"You came here with Mike?" I ask, ignoring her words.
"Oh yes, across galaxies. Hadn't figured it out yet, pretty boy?" She grins.
"You're alien?" I ask, faking my questioning nature.
"Of course. And we still need Rose and were not leaving this planet without her."
"I'm afraid you are" I say, standing up "Because, you see, I'm not stupid. I knew you were an alien, and Mike. The last two Raxilos in existence, travelling across galaxies looking for an innocent human to steal her voice. Which is why I'm very prepared. And very clever" I say. Rose grabs my hand from beside me.
"And why's that?" Jane asks sharply, and the hand going toward her back pocket pulls out to reveal a black shaped device, and from behind me I pull out her gun.
"Clever switch, so I suggest you leave this planet and never return"
"Wait, wha-?" She starts, but a big beam of light flashes up  to the feeling and she's gone.
"Teleport, clever things. She's back home now, and can never return, same goes for Mike" I say "swapped it for her gun when we were in the office when she kissed me, knew that plan would work eventually" I say, pleased with my discovery,.
"You knew she was an alien, all along?" Rose asks.
"She wanted your voice, the Raxilos treasure music, and need to rip the vocal chords from people's throats to use as there own to then get a good voice like their victim. It's simple science to them"
"They wanted to rip out my vocal chords?" Rose says in disgust.
"Yes." I nod "But I wouldn't let then near you"
"I know you wouldn't" she says, and gets up and I wrap her in another hug.
"Two months left, where shall we go?"
"Holiday" Rose says "A big holiday to celebrate the end"
"And the start" I say.
"Of what?" She asks and pulls back to see me.
"Us" I say, and lean down to press my lips to hers.

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