Miss Jane Carol

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~Chapter 17 

(2.7K views now yaaaas! Thanks everyone for lovely votes, comments, and continuing to read this!) 

Love you all, Ella x 


-Rose's POV

The next two weeks carry on as if nothing happened, which hurts and confuses me even more. I'd always dreamt of kissing the Doctor, and that kiss was possibly the best moment of my entire life, but it didn't mean anything. It was just a game to the Doctor, and I have to play along otherwise my one sided feelings of love are too obvious. But we're okay, and we're normal. There's still countless awkward situations, but other than that, we're coping. Everything's going fine until one day when the Doctor doesn't turn up for lunch.

We've got a habit of meeting for lunch now, it's sort of become a thing we do, and it's nice to spend time with each other. I've been sat here in the fish and chip shop for a grand total of 24 minutes, and still no Doctor. Getting utterly fed up and confused, I get up and make my way to the school. He must be there, and if he's not, he must be at home, which would be odd. It's not like him to miss lunch. I finally reach the school and open the big two glass doors at the entrance, then go up to reception. There's a rather stern looking man at the desk in an suit in an extremely alarming shade of purple.

"Hi, sorry to bother you...But could I perhaps speak to Th- Mr Smith" I correct myself. The man looks up at me.

"Speak to him?" He asks in a voice higher than I'd expected.

"Yes, it's his lunch break and I think he forgot to meet me"

"He should be in his office, go and check. It's down that corridor, third door on the left, his names on the sign" the man points in the direction I've got to walk in and I thank him, then make my way down the rather long corridor. Barely any people are down this end, obviously all out getting lunch. I approach the door labelled "Mr Smith", and it's cracked open a jar, but not enough for me to see in. I stop in my tracks as I suddenly hear talking coming from inside.

"Oh, John, please. Aren't you just begging to be with me?" A female voice speaks. My heart suddenly jumps from my chest to my throat, and I hold my breath, not wanting to be heard. I know that voice....the suddenly I get it: Jane. Miss Carol.

"Well-" I hear the Doctor speak.

"I know you do" I hear Jane say in a rather seductive voice which makes me feel sick. I silently crack open the door a tiny notch, just enough for me to see inside. And suddenly every last hope of me and the Doctor ever having anything is gone in an instant. Inside, is The Doctor pushed on the desk, Jane holding him down and snogging him senseless. And the worst most horrible thing occurs to me, he doesn't seem to be fighting her back much. The kissing continues for another few seconds, and then the Doctor's hands land on her waist and I know I've already seen enough. I hold my hand over my mouth to stop me from throwing up, and run down the hall, wanting to burst into tears at any moment. Now I know why he pulled away from the kiss two weeks ago at Christmas Of course he didn't want to kiss me, he wanted to kiss Jane.


-The Doctor's POV

I'm just about to leave to meet Rose for lunch, much later an usual as I had to sit several students detentions, when a knock sounds at my office door. "Umm, come in" I say. The door cracks open and Jane pokes her head in.

"Only me" she smiles.

I smile lightly. "Oh, Jane, come in"

"Thank you" she says, and enters the room, proceeding to look around. "Nice office"

"Thanks," I say "Did a bit of decorating here and there"

"I like it" she says, running her hand along the books on the shelf. Before I have time to reply, she's walking over to me where I've leant against my desk, holding my bag and ready to leave. "Going anywhere, Mr Smith?"

"Actually I was going to-"

"I need to talk to you" she says in a tone of voice I can't quite register.

"Right, go on" I nod.

"Don't you think, me and you? It's good, right?"

"Good? Uh, I barely know you, Miss Carol" I say a little unknowingly.

"Know me? Oh please, John. Call me Jane" she winks. I swallow hard.

"I'd rather be called Mr Smith, thank you" I say quickly. She shrugs.

"Whatever you command, however you want" she says. I furrow my brow.

"I'm sorry?"

"Oh John, please, aren't you just begging to be with me?" Jane says seductively, walking over and running a hand down my chest, pushing me further back in to the desk. I try to push her away but her other hand has a vise grip on my thigh. 


"I know you do" she says in a deep tone of voice, and leans her head towards me. I try to pull away but before I can do anything her lips are on mine. I'm pinned back onto the desk, and she moves practically on top of me, kissing me so hard I can barely comprehend what's going on. If someone were to come in now, if someone were to see us, we'd both loose our jobs. And that's definitely not what I need. And kissing Jane just feels wrong. Her lips are to covered in sticky Chapstick, her hands are too fierce, and her grip is too strong. Not right, and certainly not with her. I move my hand onto Jane's incredibly tiny waist, and with all my force I push her off me, and she staggers back, her lips swollen and red.

"Get. Out" I say sternly, feeling anger well up inside me.

"Please don't tell-" she starts.

"Just leave" I say, and point to the door, avoiding her eyes. She nods and leaves the room quickly. Not knowing what on earth to do, I just lean back agains my desk and drop my bag. What now? 

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