A Game to Change Everything

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~Chapter 15
This took ages to write! Hope you enjoy it!
Ella x


-Rose's POV

Getting dressed for the Christmas lunch is my first hurdle. I mean, what can you wear? I'm not sure whether it's formal, or casual, or...I don't know, in between? I settle on somewhere in the middle and pick out a white dress, a cropped Christmas jumper and brown boots. I pull on the dress and the jumper over it, and leave my boots by the door for when I'm completely done. I finish it off with some deep red lipstick, and ruffle my slightly waved hair. I can hear the Doctor singing a long to the radio in the kitchen, which puts a smile on my face.

When I've finished getting ready I slip on my boots, grab my bag and leave the room to to and see what the Doctor's up to. I find him in the kitchen tinkering with something, his glasses on the end of his nose, hair spiked up and this time wearing his blue suit with a Christmas tie. Whenever the Doctor is out of his pinstriped suit you know he's made somewhat of an effort. He looks up at me as I walk in and gapes at me. I smile back at him.

"Rose, you look...beautiful" he says. His words make butterflies dance wildly airing in my stomach, and I can't help think about the time he last said that to me in that way, when he was in his ninth incarnation on a snowy Cardiff evening.

"Oh, this?" I tug at my Christmas jumper "It was only cheap"

"Well, it looks lovely" he says, and gets up, putting his glasses in his pocket as he goes.

"Thank you. Same goes for your tie" I smile. He looks down and smiles.

"Thank you. Ready to go?" He asks.

"Certainly" I nod,

"Well then, Miss Tyler, would you do me the honour of a accompanying me to Christmas dinner?" The Doctor asks, holding out his arm.

"Definitely Sir Doctor, shall we proceed?" I say, matching his faked posh accent. He laughs.

"We shall" the Doctor replies, and I link my arm through his, us both grinning like idiots.


We arrive at the meal five minutes late and find everyone sat around a giant table. My colleges, the doctors colleagues, both our bosses, and some other people I've never seen before. Lucy waves me over to two empty seats obviously reserved for us, and we untangle our arms and walk over. We greet each other and take our seats at the table.

"So, happy Christmas!" She smiles.

"Happy Christmas" me and the Doctor say in unison.

"I don't think we've properly met, I'm Lucy" Lucy says, and shakes the Doctor's hand.

"I'm the Doctor"

"So I've heard" she says with a smile, and winks at me. But we're soon interrupted by Mike tapping his glass. Everyone turns quiet and we turn to face him at the end of the table.

"Welcome everyone, and happy Christmas!" He says. Everyone whoops and claps at this "It's lovely to have you all here to celebrate, and I'm very much looking forward to meeting those of you I haven't met before, I hope you all enjoy yourselves" he says, and people clap and he sits back down, and the noise level quickly rises up again.

"Well that was cheesy" I mutter to the Doctor and he laughs.

"Too right"

The rest of the evening goes well, and the food is lovely, but it's only when a tall woman with ebony hair comes over, things start to go downhill.

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