The Beggining to an End

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but hope you enjoy this as....IT'S THE FINAL CHAPTER AHH! Thank you for the constant support when writing this, and I honestly want to cry that it's now over!
(One of extra thing: if you're not following me already, please do. This is so when out a new fanfic you will be notified!)

Ella :))


Ever since the day Rose met a man called the Doctor, a man who took her hand in the basement of a shop and told her to run, her life had been transformed from the ordinary to the extraordinary. He took her away from home in his magical machine and showed her the whole of time and space. Their journeys and the experiences they shared went beyond anything she could have ever imagined in her wildest dreams. Yet it was the six months of so called 'ordinary life' with the Doctor that made her realize she didn't need faraway places or unearthly encounters to experience the extraordinary. Simply having the Doctor in her life was the greatest adventure of all. 
Never was that more true than in the weeks spent together at their private tropical bungalow, which transcended all other experiences they had shared together. It was as if they were in a timeless world all their own. The trip Rose thought would be a holiday became a honeymoon. She was still in a state of awe that her deepest desires had become reality and the two of them had reached this point. Rose was able to love the Doctor in the way she had yearned for in her soul — as he deserved to be loved; and she received his unspeakable love in return.

Time had now come full circle. The day they had been awaiting these past six months had finally arrived. They would return to London — return to the very place where this wondrous, terrifying, and extraordinary journey had begun just six months before. So much had transpired in that time. In many ways it felt as if a lifetime had passed. Now they would once again be back in the TARDIS and back to their life of exploring the universe, but this time not simply as the Doctor and his companion. Now they were so much more. So much more than either one had once dared to dream they could ever be.

Yet despite that, Rose did not have idyllic notions that her life with the Doctor would now be some sort of grand fairytale. It would be wondrous, yes; even more so than before. But it would also come with challenges. Rose knew the Doctor would not always be the easiest man in the universe to love and to live with. He may still keep himself closed off at times and not always open up about his feelings — particularly the ones that vexed him the most. She knew that was simply who he was and not something that would ever completely change. And although he had made great strides in opening up to Rose and letting her in, she knew there were things he still held back simply because he didn't want to weigh her down with the burdens of the universe that he carried on his shoulders. He might not give her all of his burdens, yet Rose knew she helped to ease his load, and for that she was gratified. The Doctor had shared more of himself with her than he had with perhaps any other living being. In allowing himself to open his hearts, he allowed them to be flooded with love. Thus, some of that deeply-etched pain had been soothed. There was now just a little more lightness in his step and a genuine joy deep within his eyes that Rose knew had probably not been there for a very long time.

-Rose's POV

We jump into the first cab that comes along the busy London street, and I haven't let go of the Doctors hand the whole time we've been here. Our holiday was incredible, and now our roller coaster ride of a six months is coming to an end. The last couple of days have been a constant round of goodbyes, to people, the town, and our little flat. But we've both yearned for nothing more than the TARDIS. Mundane life proved to be harder than expected, and now I realise travelling with the Doctor for so long has made my true home none other than the stars, and travelling in the TARDIS. But along with that, I'm looking forward to seeing mum. I've missed her more than I would've thought over the past six months, and just to be able to hear her voice again will be like home. But how she will react to me and the Doctors relationship is uncertain, for because we're are, for all intents and purposes, now married. It wasn't a proper wedding, but the bond we share has made us the equivalent of a married couple in Gallifrey. I'm not sure how having an alien son-in-law is going to sit with mum.

Now that time has caught up with where we had once been, March 8th. We are now back to the point in time where mum had seen us just one day before, although for us that was six months. Surely the news of me marrying an alien would come as much more of a shock after for her, she'd just seen us yesterday. The Doctor squeezes my hand as we clamber into the back of the taxi, shoving out two  rather large suitcases in with us. Once the taxi driver has got instructions on where to go, I slump back into my seat and let out a sigh.
"Doctor, I was thinking...would it be alright if we jump say...a few weeks ahead of this time stream, y'know, so the news of "us" doesn't seem so abrupt for mum?" I send through our telepathic link, not wanting the taxi driver to over-hear our conversation about time travel and throw us out.
"Sure, good idea" he sends back with a nod. Soon enough we have reached the town, and we're out on the pavement rolling out suitcases.
"Now the question is, can we actually remember where we were six months ago?" I ask.
"Of course we can, come on" the Doctor says, and gives a little run. Dragging my heavy suitcase behind me, a run after the Doctor in a hurry as he round the corner. I'm lead down a small alley way and then we enter a clearing, and this is it, exactly the spot.

And there stands the TARDIS waiting patiently for us, unaware of the time that has passed. Upon seeing the big blue box, I can't help a small squeal of joy escape me. The Doctor grins wildly and we both drop our suitcases, and throw ourselves at each other into a giant hug. Both of us laughing with excitement, the doctor twirls me round, and I'm surprised when he doesn't set me back on the ground. Instead, he leaves the suitcases outside for a minute, and stands with me bridal-style in his arms in front of the TARDIS.
"Ready?" He asks with a smile.
"Ready." I smile widely. And then, with a simple click of his fingers, the TARDIS doors fly open, and the blue machine welcomes us home with a gentle humming sound and wraps us in her familiar, gentle glow. I look up at the Doctors shining eyes, and he looks down at me, then presses his lips to mine.

So here's to the future that lies ahead of us, and once again loving life in the TARDIS and explaining the joys of an alien son-in-law to mum.

But most of all, here is to the amazing, terrifying, and undoubtedly extraordinary, one hundred and eighty two days.

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