Secret Destination

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~Chapter 22
Ooh ain't you guys lucky two updates in one day 😉 kidding, you deserve it because of the amount of time I took 😂 hope you enjoy this ✨
Ella x

-The Doctor's POV

"Why won't you just tell me where we're going?" Rose asks, walking along beside me through the airport.
"Because that's the whole point in a surprise, there's no knowing allowed" I say. I've booked a holiday to Mexico, and hired a car to drive us to my chosen private beach and cabin. It took a while to find online, and was too expensive to name, but sonicing cash points certainly helps, no matter how wrong it must be. Needless to say the sexual tension between me and Rose has risen higher than ever before. Which is odd, seeing as we've broken all the barriers of kissing and hugging...but beyond that is complicated. We drag our tired bodies over to gate 6 and sit down on one of those classic uncomfortable, metal benches. We had a short nights sleep, as we spent most of our previous couple of days up late packing and saying goodbye to everyone in the town, and then I quickly sorted out the deals with the flat, and we have to go and retrieve the rest of our stuff when we get back and the six month rent is over. Sleeping arrangements were also very difficult, seeing as we both had single beds, so we had to stick to our normal routine of sleeping alone, which is possibly another reason for the rising tension. I've had to cover Roses eyes every time we pass a display of the flights and times in case she sees the destination, as it's all got to be totally secret.
"I'm so excited!" She exclaims for the millionth time, holding onto my arm.
"So am I" I smile.
"Not as excited as me because you know" she smiles.
"Very true, but I'm still excited" I say. She nods and soon enough were being called to our gate. The transition from the gate to the plane actually didn't take to long, and before we know it we're sat down and ready to go.

-Rose's POV

11 hours later: the plane lands.
15 hours later, we finally arrive at the cabin.
Its nearly sunset, and we've slept on the plane so have plenty of energy. The Doctor instructs me to lean against the car with my eyes shut as he goes to take the bags inside. It's been a long day, but I'm not tired. More than anything I'm just excited. I know we must be somewhere in America, or around that area due to the amount of American accents around, but the Doctor has amazingly managed to keep my whereabouts a secret. It's actually crazy to believe I still don't know where I am. So much of me is drying to call mum, one for the fact I haven't spoken to her in nearly 5 months, and the other fact is that I'm too excited and want to tell her everything! Just at that, I hear the front door open and the Doctor make his way up the path towards me.
"Okay," he says, and steers me by my shoulders to turn me around to face what must only be where we're staying "You can open"
So I do. In front of my lies a beautiful wooden cabin with the door slightly propped open, and beautiful giant glass windows. Beyond the cabin, the shores are soaked in the gold of the sunset, the tide creeping in to the shore and glistening in the rash of the dying day. I can barely take in the sight around me. Palm trees rise above us and stretch out along the road. There's several other cabins in this part of the shore, and far in the distance I can see another stretch of cabins, and that can only mean this is all to ourself.
"Doctor, it's... I can't even..."
"You like it?" He asks. I turn to face him.
"I love it!" I say, and give him a quick kiss, and then hug him so hard he can barely breathe. "Now show me inside!"
So the Doctor leads me by the hand into the cabin, and we take off our shoes and jackets by the door, and then he gives me a bus stop tour of all the rooms. There's a big living room, a games room with a snooker table and giant TV, a kitchen with a glass of wine and two glasses left on it (must be a gift from whoever we're renting from) and then a bathroom with a corner bath so big it could fit 4 people, a giant walk in shower, and then I'm led into the bedroom. It's the room out of them all that really grabs my attention.
There's a giant four-post bed in the centre, and a door leading off to a bathroom, there's a giant wardrobe and then big glass doors which lead back around to the back terrace which links to the kitchen and living room. The bed massive, but what I can't seem to stop thinking is that there's only one. Sure we've shared a bed before...but not since we've been properly together, more than "just friends", more than what I ever thought could happen...and the thought makes butterflies fly in my stomach with nerves. I don't have anytime to say anything when the Doctor leads me out the glass doors and onto the terrace. Just down the steps from the terrace is a hot tub and a very inviting looking pool, and then there's a small wooden gate out onto our own stretch of beach. I can barely contain myself and feel my eyes watering as we both stand on the terrace.
"Doctor, it's...beautiful" I say.
"I'm glad you like it"
"I've never seen anything so prefect. Thank you" I say, and hug him tightly. He responds immediately, and we wrap our arms around each other and soon our lips come crashing against each other. The kiss is passionate and strong, our hands both roaming through each others hair and rasping for air. We stop to breathe and then were kissing again, and the Doctor lifts me up in his arms, so I instinctively wrap my legs around him. I'm am vaguely aware of being carried out into the beach. We stop once again to breathe. I open my eyes and see we're now on the sand, me still wrapped tightly around the Doctor.
"Doctor, are we-"
"We need to talk" he says then, and sets me down on the sun heated golden sand. A bit taken a back by the sudden change, I just nod.
"Rose, you need to know things before...before anything happens"
"What is it?" I ask, and take his hand.
"Sit" he says, and we both take a sit in the sand "There are things you need to know about me, and things you need to know about us"
"Okay" I say steadily, placing my hands in my lap, playing with my gold ring on my thumb.
"You're nervous" he observes, looking at my hands.
"I know" I say lightly, and stop set my and still, wanting to know everything.
"The first bit is about my past...And I've never told anyone before" He says. I nod, feeling slightly overwhelmed I'm the first person he's talked to about this subject obviously very fragile to talk about.
"Go on" I say encouragingly, and look him in the eyes.
"It's a long story"

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