Chapter 8

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I pushed him up and stood up while taking off the headphones. Dean slid out of the ring to my side. I cracked my neck while Dean cracked his knuckles.
I looked at Dean and he nodded. When I lunged towards Tyler's kid Seth caught me while Roman threw Dean back into the ring.
"Let me go!" I screamed,
"Calm down!" Seth yelled back.
"And then winner is Tyler Breeze, Daniel Bryan, and Ryback."
Tyler grabbed his kid and ran backstage.seth set me down and Dean was at my side.
The shield has been beaten for the first time. Because of me. We walked backstage into our locker room.
"I'm sorry guys, this was my fault." I admitted.
"No, it was hunters not telling us that part of the script." Roman said
"Obviously it was Tyler Breezes. It was kid." Seth said.
"No guys!" Dean shouted. "I was the one who let Evelyn out there and the one who got pinned. And I was the one who let everything get to my head,"
Renee walked in.
"Evelyn, I'm so sorry wwe wasted your first kiss." Renee hugged me.
"That's seriously all you care about!" Dean yelled. "She could have gotten hurt or worse!"
"Dean calm down would you!" Roman shouted. "Renee had nothing to do with this! You should just be happy that someone besides us cared!"
"Both of you shut up!" Seth yelled. "It's not like it's the end of the world."
"Dean I'm sorry but this might me a crack in the shield. Face it guys, all of you know the real reason why Hunter let Evelyn stay. She's just another storyline." Renee said.
"Then we have the power to take her of the tv." Dean said
"Not anymore! Hunter already has this huge storyline planned out. Just deal with it." Renee said,
Renee started massaging ,my shoulders. "Evelyn has a huge part now in wwe. She's gonna get stressed. You guys need to take charge and help her. Teach her your exercises and yoga."
"You'll make a good mom one day Renee." Dean admitted.
"Ya think so?" Renee asked.
Dean nodded. Renee walked out. The room was quiet.
"Renee could be wrong guys. It's not Steph is just gonna walk in here and ask Evelyn to sign a contract." Seth said
Just then Steph Walked in.
"Hey we need Evelyn to sign a contract." Steph said
Dean dug his face in his hand
"Listen Steph. We're not letting our sister sign to WWE. It's too much work for her and she's only 11." Dean said
"Dean. This isn't your decision. It's Evelyn's." Steph said
I looked at Dean and the others. I thought of my dream and the fans. I bite my lip and was basically pleading for a sign. I remember putting in my hard work to survive in Ohio. At that moment i realized that God was preparing me for wwe. I took the contract from Steph and read it.
It promised at least one match. But it also said I could die. It also said I'll be the star and maybe have more than one match.
"I'm sorry guys." I signed the contract. I was now apart of the WWE universe.
"Thank you." Steph walked away.
Renee came in and hugged me.
"I'm not gonna lie. I was eavesdropping once I saw the boss walk in. I'm so happy for you!"
"Thank you! I'm so excited!" I squealed.
"What were you thinking ev?!" Dean shouted. "You can get seriously hurt."
"Oh yeah! Says the one you had a 30 minutes match of just barb wire! And not not mention the other match with glass!" I reminded him
"It's different with you! You've never even went to a gym!" Dean shouted
"Are you trying to say I'm not good enough! And I've been homeless for the past 11 years. I grew up just like you did but worse Jonathan! You had a family who paid and loved you! I just found out what love was yesterday! Im just like you and Seth! You both started out as just a fan!"
"You are going to get hurt mentally and physically! You're not ready at all!" Dean yelled
"This is the one that I thought you would have my back on! I thought you were gonna help me follow my dream! What type of brother are you?!" I stormed out.
"Evelyn wait!" Renee said.
I saw her turn around and shake her head at Dean.
I went outside to get a breath. I say down on a bench and Renee sat down next to me.
"Don't listen to Dean. He's happy for you but he's also scared for you." Renee explained "he's only trying to protect you. This is now your job and a lot of work like Dean said. But you do have what it takes and I'm sure you'll find the good in him."
"Thanks Renee."
"How about you ask Roman if you can stay with me for a night to get away. If you want we could work on your charter." Renee suggested
"That would be nice." I admitted.
Renee walked me back in and lead me to the locker room.
"Hey can I stay with Renee for the night?" I asked Seth and Roman
"Sure." They said
I walked away out to renee.

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