Chapter 19

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We had a stare down.
I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. She started banning in the door but someone pulled her off.
I grabbed a towel and started to clean it. I unlocked the door. I walked out at sat down.
"Tell me what happened!" Evelyn demanded,
"Calm down would you?" Seth said,
"You were the one who wanted to know more than me!" Evelyn yelled
"That doesn't matter!"
"Would both of you stop!" Roman asked,
"Dean please," Evelyn pleaded.
"Okay," I sat down next to her, I looked at Roman. I knew what I had to do.
"Okay the truth is, this morning I fell out of bed. I knocked over glass and it shattered. Then I cut myself. I got it stiches by the doctors from WWE but then you tore it open again." I lied to her.
"Then why have you been acting weird lately?" Evelyn asked.
I looked at Roman and shook my head. I can't believe what I'm gonna say.
"Both of you please don't get worried," I started.
"Dean don't." Roman said,
"I'm sorry Roman they need to know. I've been sleeping a lot lately. I'm pretty sure you guys noticed that and I've been kinda jumpy." I explained.
"Yeah. A lot." Seth said,
"Well on the past few days I've gotten zero sleep. So I started to get delusional and started seeing things, things from the past and things that no one wants to imagine,"
"And you couldn't tell us because you didn't want us to freak and be thrown off our game." Seth figured it out.
"That's not imprint right now. Evelyn you saw your parents." Roman pointed out.
"Well to be honest I don't exactly know. That could have been anybody."
"So you good?" I asked,
She nodded.

The next day...

Evelyn's POV

In a middle of match, that was boring game, the lights went out.
"Here we go," I said to myself.
"Evelyn Heart, please come out to the ring," the voice said
"I don't wanna go." I admitted,
" we to it's your job." Roman reminded me.
I walked out and my music didn't play. I couldn't see a thing, but luckily a person in the crowd used their phone light to help me.
I got handed a mic.
"Enough with mind game voice." I said. "Tell me what you want already,"
"No Evelyn, it's what you want." The voice boomed,
"What in the wwe universe do you mean?" I demanded,
"Look around you! What do you see?" I looked Around. I saw no light.
"Exactly."'the voice said,
"Just get this over with please!" I begged.
"Okay let's start with what you first told the shield." The voice started,
"That was at home like you know." I said,
"There's still no light. Just like your childhood." The voice reminded me.
"Don't remind me of that place!" I screamed,
"Then Seth even told you, that the shield never wanted you."
"Okay that's true but they still love me!" I said,
"Really? Then why have Dean and Roman been lying to you since day 1?" The voice asked.
"They told me truth!" I said,
"No, they're still lying," the voice informed me.
"Prove then, show me the video proof that you Have!" I commanded
"okay then," he actually has proof.
There was a video of Dean running. Then there was car honk and the tv screen went off.
"What! Who cut the power?" The voice asked, "well I guess that I can get on my last topic. Your horrible training. Seth won't even get into the ring with you! He doesn't think he should waste his energy on you! Then we had our in counter. It would be ashame if Adrian got hurt." Another tv turned on and it showed Adrian in a chair knocked out tied to a rope.
"Leave Adrian out of this!" I demanded.
"Face it Ev! There will never be light for you. Never a shoulder to cry on, never a face to love, not a brother to help."
"First of all, no one calls me Ev except Dean. Second, you just made the worst mistake of your life." I said,
The voice laughed and the lights turned on.
I ran out of the ring. I ran into Seth.
"Don't listen to-" I cut him off.
"We'll, deal with that later, I need to find Adrian." I pushed him out of the way flying down the steps.
I found him still passed out. I untied him and splashed the water that I found on the ground.
"What happened?" He asked,
"Not important just get out," I said pushing him.

I got back to the shield locker room.
I sat down
"All of that was all true." I said.
"No it wasn't." Roman sighed,
"Name one that wasn't true." I demanded
They all went silent.
"Exactly," I said. "Tell me the truth Dean. I know you turned off the tv." 
He opened his mouth
"Don't lie, that guy will know." I reminded him
He sighed,
He was gonna lie again,
"I saw a flashback of where I used to work. It gave me horrible memories and I don't want it to happen to you. So ran to renee's and got hit by a car. Then when I came back, you were in the bathroom getting refreshed and Seth was sleeping. Roman was cooking the classic Roman food and turned around with the knife and cut me," he explained.
In felt a tear rolling down my face.
"Why guys, why wouldn't you tell me this earlier. It just made things worse." I asked,
"We realize that now okay!" Dean said,
"Guys, we have someone stalking us us that wasn't apart of the script. This is one thing we. Need to prepare for," Seth said,
"I honestly just want to go for a run," I admitted.
"Where to?" Roman asked.
"I don't care anywhere." I said grabbing my sweatshirt,
"Someone has to go with you." Roman said.
"Well who? I don't know if you noticed or not but deans mentally disabled at the moment, you have to make sure Dean doesn't do something so stupid and kills himself with knife. Then we have Seth who doesn't dare waste energy one me? So who's gonna walk in here and volunteer who can actually play on my game?" I asked,
"Well there is someone..." Dean said
Just then someone way more energized, relaxed, and for sure Better than me walked in.

WOO! Extra long chapter! Feels good! What do ya think of this story so far? Any suggestions that I should do with this? Love ya lots!

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