Chapter Six

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I get a few looks from the older members as we enter an open room, but most of the younger guys continue what they're doing without a single glance in my direction. Happy walks over to a large black man who is eyeing me warily. Chibs and Tig lead me to another room off of the larger one.

In the center of the space is large wooden table, a grim reaper carved expertly in the center. I go to pull out a chair and sit, but Chibs turns back, clasping his hand on my shoulder.

"No way, kid. We'll sit over there," he says, nodding toward a sectional couch in the back corner.

I shrug my shoulders and follow them toward the couch. I don't really give a shit where we sit as long as I get the answers I came for.

"Why are ya here, Tommy?" Chibs asks. "Shouldn't ya be off following in yer ma's footsteps like yer brother?"

I tilt my head slightly to the side, wondering what the hell he knew about me and my brother.

"Don't look so surprised. Your father was my best friend. I've kept a tab on ya both throughout the years."

Tig looks over, this information obviously new to him as well.

"Nero?" I ask. Chibs nods.

"Well, that's great for you, isn't it?" I ask sarcastically. "My whole life he's been telling you everything about me, but whenever I asked him a question about my father or the club, I get half ass answers that add up to a bunch of bullshit."

"And you want the answers..." Tig concludes.

"Seems only fair, don't it?" I react.

"What is it that you do know, Tommy?" Chibs asks.

"Honestly, I don't know shit. Everything I know is all hearsay from the internet and old Charming newspaper articles that I dug up in a library. Which really isn't much information at all."

"Yeah, we have ways to keep our name out of the news," Tig says with a chuckle.

"I know that according to the internet, Sons of Anarchy is a motorcycle club that has allegedly dipped its toes into some not so legal business. But that is really, all I know definitively about your club. Like you said, Tig, somehow you manage to keep your name out of the news. I know that my mother was a doctor and she was murdered in our kitchen. I know that my father killed himself by crashing head on into a semi as a collection of cops were trying to bring him in for unrelated murders. I know that Nero and Wendy rarely ever mentioned either of my parents, let alone told me the truth behind my past and this place."

"It's not your past, Tommy," Chibs says softly. "It's your parents past. Your past is with Nero, Wendy and your brother. That's what you should be focused on. That past and whatever your future brings, a future far away from Charming."

"I don't have a future anywhere unless I know about them and about their lives here. All of it." I say defiantly.

This was beginning to sound like every conversation I've ever had with Nero and Wendy about my birth parents. A whole lot of bullshit.

"I don't have the answers for you. You need to go home," Chibs says, the words sounding somber as he spoke them.

"Wait a minute there, Chibs," Tig says, looking over at Chibs stern face. "Don't you think the boy deserves to know what kind of people his parents were?"

"Tig, it's not the..." Tig cut him off.

"No. It damn well is the time for this conversation. Are you really going to let the only thing he knows about Jax be that he killed himself and he was wanted for murder? This kid came here for our help. Would Jax really want us to just turn him away?"

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