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Tommys POV:

I can feel her hands gliding down my bare chest, her breath husky in my ear. My thin blanket is pulled away, and she climbs on top of me. She grinds down on me and wakes every other part of my sleeping body. Instinctively, I bring my hands to her hips, my fingers digging into the bare skin I find there.

Half awake, my eyes not even open, I let out a low moan and she moves against me. I feel her fingers tug on the waistband of the boxers I'm sleeping in and finally open my eyes.

At first, I thought that Ellie had just snuck her way into my dreams as she did every night, and that nothing I was physically feeling was real. Then, I see the dark hair and plump red lips, a face that doesn't belong to my girl but to someone else entirely.

"What the fuck?" I mutter incoherently as I shove the girl away from me and onto the cold, concrete floor.

"Ow!" the girl shrieks as she scrambles to her feet. "What the hell was that for?"

"Who are you and why are you in my room?" I demand quickly, jumping to my feet- all modesty thrown out the window as my boxers cling to my excited form.

"Juggs sent me. I was supposed to be a surprise. What's the matter? You're clearly into tits," she says, nodding down at the rise in my boxer briefs.

"But I'm not into trash," I tell her harshly as I pull on the jeans that lay crumbled on the floor at the bottom of my bed. "Get the fuck out of here!" I command as I nod toward the door.

The girl grabs her discarded clothing from a pile on the floor in just enough time for me to shove her out the door. I follow behind her in only my jeans, my bare feet slapping against the concrete. It doesn't take long for me to notice Juggs and another Messenger, Dallas, playing a hand of cards at a folding table at the end of the hall.

The girl walks up to Juggs, her shirt and skirt clutched against her bare breasts, her bottom barely covered by the thin lace thong she's wearing.

"Your friends a real asshole," the girl swears at Juggs.

Dallas laughs and pulls the naked woman into his lap. I ignore them both completely and settle my sights on Juggs.

"What the hell was that?" I ask him angrily.

Juggs laughs like my discomfort is something he finds particularly amusing. He's the definition of a true scum bag. Even if some of the guys here aren't too bad, the likes of this douche makes up for them all.

"Patton thought I should get you a little gift for a job well done at the party last week. Thought to myself, 'What would Jimmy boy like?' And then, I asked, 'What do you all guys like?'" He snaps his fingers in exaggeration and mock realization. "And then it came to me. Pussy." He explains with a sadistic smile.

"Keep your sluts to yourself, Juggs. I don't want any part in it." I yell as I turn on my bare heel and stalk back to my room, slamming the door behind me. But not before I hear the bastard call out:

"Don't say I've never given you anything!"

I scoff in disgust as I jump back into my bed and tuck myself under the thin blanket.

Yeah, I think.

Because the one thing I've always wanted in my life is an STD from a dirty whore.


Chibbs POV:

It's been two weeks since we heard from the boy, and I finally convince Tig that we need to pull him out- Mission be damned.

We'll pull him out and then if I have any say, we'll get him as far away from Charming as we possibly can: For his protection and my peace of mind.

I'll tell you one thing: I'm too old for this shite.

I'm just pulling up to the garage when I hear my phone ring. I pull my leather glove off of my hand with my teeth before I answer the call.

"Yeah?" I answer quickly as I walk toward the main office.

"Tig around?" I hear Tommy reply.

A breath of relief escapes me and I stop walking to sit at a picnic bench in the center of the lot.

"Where the hell you been?" I ask instead of acknowledging his request for Tig.

"I lost my phone a couple weeks ago. I haven't had the chance to reach a phone in private before today. But they're trusting me more, giving me more leeway- Letting me finally go out on my own."

"So, you're getting close then?"


"You said they're letting you go out on your own now?" I inquire as an idea pops into my head.

"Yeah," he repeats.

"Get them to assign you to the bar district tonight. I'll get you a phone. Just be at Mikey's Grille at 10 p.m"

"I'll do my best," Tommy answers quickly "Now, where's Tig?"

I grunt into the phone and continue toward the garage.

I don't want to talk to the little shit head anyway.


Tommys POV:

"What can I do for you, Son?" Patton asks from behind his oversized desk.

I just walked into an office that looks far too fancy to be part of a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. I sit in a chair on the opposite side of his desk. Patton pulls out a cigarette and holds it between his teeth. Then, he holds the open pack out to me and I reach forward, gripping a smoke between my fingers. I pull a lighter from my pocket and light the cig, as Patton does the same with his.

"Heard you wanted to give me a present," I start with a thin smile. "While I appreciate the thought, I'm not much into random hookups. Born and bred good Christian boy over here," I joke.

Patton laughs and ashes his cigarette in the black plastic ash tray in front of him.

"I've heard," he chuckles.

"But there is something you can do for me," I continue cautiously.

"What's that?"

"I'd like more responsibility, Sir. I don't know what else I have to do to prove to you guys that you can trust me, and that I'm not going anywhere."

"I don't know, boy. What's to say you won't steal my stash and take off into the sunset on that pretty bike of yours? Truth of the matter is, we're all criminals. Ain't none of us the trusting kind."

"Let me prove it to you then," I urge. "Let me do the bar scene tonight. Alone. I won't take anymore product than you're willing to trust me with. And if I fuck you over, Patton, I swear to God, I'll tie myself down, so you can beat me yourself."

Patton looks thoughtful as he leans back against his chair. He pulls in another puff of smoke and exhales, before standing and walking to the framed picture behind his desk. He opens up the picture, like you see in the movies and on TV. Behind the cheap artwork is a digital safe. He presses his palm against the screen and the safe beeps before opening. It all seems a little high tech for a scum bag drug dealer, but what the hell do I know?

Patton pulls out a bag of smaller bags of coke, a bag of pills and a larger bag of pot.

"Pick your poison," he instructs.

I think about the bar scene and what would sell better in the area- Because whatever I choose, I'll have to sell it. There's no way around that, no matter how wrong or illegal it is.

I grab the gallon-sized bag of weed. Patton laughs at my choice and reaches back into the safe, pulling out a digital scale.

"There's baggies in the kitchen. Didn't get a chance to sort that out yet. But you got it, right?"

"Yes, Sir," I agree as I stand to my feet with the product in my hands.

"Don't let me down, boy," he says as I walked to the door.

I turn my head back around and offer him a nod and a smile.

Hopefully, I won't let anyone down.

At least not today.

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