Chapter 26

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As I rush the warehouse with the rest of my men I can imagine my brother, Jackson, spinning in his grave. I should've sent Tommy away the first chance I had. Instead, I barely even tried. I could've forced him out had I had the true desire to do so. Truth of it is that there was a piece of me glad to see a Teller back in the clubhouse.

Clearly, I screwed the pooch on this one. My first instinct was the right one and instead of listening to it I let my nostalgia soften my reserve.

Consider it lesson learned.

I can see the brief flash of shock on Abel's face as Tig doesn't hesitate to blow the brains out of the lad who I'm assuming was meant to keep watch. It was a clear fleeting disgust, quickly replaced by a look of determination that has me almost proud in the moment.

"You two head that way," I direct Kenny and Abel. "Tig and I will go the other. We have men swarming this place from all angles. We'll find him."


I've been calling Tommy's phone nonstop since the boys left my house. I know my efforts are pointless, but I have to do something. Something is always better than nothing.

I sit on my couch, my eyes focused on the indent that Cal's head left in my wall. If I'm being honest, I've underestimated Abel. He's one scary son of a bitch when he wants to be.

Tired of waiting, I walk to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee. Standing at the counter, I allow my eyes to travel out of the window into the back yard.

For days I stood staring at Tommy through that window as he hauled dirt and flower beds through the once desolate garden and yard. If I close my eyes, I can still see him there- digging his bare hands into the dirt- The sun beating on his muscled back as his sweat soaked shirt clung to his skin.

Then, as if he could feel my eyes on him, every now and then he would turn his ice blue eyes my way and wink with a sexy grin on his face.

Sometimes, he would throw out little comments my way.

"Like what you see?"

"Don't you want to come get your hands dirty?"

Or my personal favorite, "If you come on out instead of staring at me through the window like a stalker I might just let you hose me off."

Instead of supplying a witty comeback, as was my usual forte, I surprised him once by taking him up on his offer.

He must've thought that I'd just disappeared from the window because he didn't seem to expect me when I came up behind him, hose in hand. He was wrist deep in dirt, planting a flower that he could name but I couldn't. I pressed the handle on the hose just slightly, dribbling a little bit of water over the top of his head. He looked up and into the sunny sky, and then back toward me.

I smiled triumphantly as I pressed fully onto the nozzle, allowing a full stream of water to splash into his face.

He jumped to his feet with a surprised laugh as he practically lunged at the hose.

"You're toast, Winston," he threatened as I dodged him expertly, spraying at him while I moved.

He chased me around the yard for a few minutes before he finally caught me around the waist. Our eyes locked as I was pulled roughly against his hard chest, both of us wearing the remnants of laughter on our lips.

He clutched the hose and pulled it out of my grip, positioning it over my head with one hand as he held me close with the other.

"You wouldn't dare," I challenged.

Tommy smiled in response before the squeezed the lever and proceeded to shower us both with ice cold hose water.

I laughed and hit his chest, causing him to drop the hose and bring both hands around my waist once again to hold me still.

Tommy looked toward my lips and the playful moment between us transformed into something so much more intense- intimate.

"You got me all wet, Tommy," I teased with a smirk.

Tommy smiled, biting his bottom lip at my dirty innuendo, and tightened his grip on me.

"Don't think it'll be the last time," he whispered as he leaned forward slowly.

I closed my eyes, happily bracing myself for what was coming next.

The screech of the rusty screen door had Tommy sighing in frustration as he released me and stepped back. My eyes went to the porch and to my brother, who stood there stuffing his face with a sub from Jimmy Johns. Kenny's eyes darted between us.

"Am I interrupting something?" he asked as he wiggled his eyebrows, speaking with a mouth still full of sandwich.

Tommy and I looked toward each other, seemingly sharing the same hilarious thought. Tommy bent down and picked up the discarded hose, handing it to me discreetly. Kenny's eyes darted toward the hose, realizing instantly what was about to happen. He held his free hand up in front of his face.

"Don't you even think..."

Before he could get out his entire thought I proceeded to drench my brother in the same ice-cold water that was currently soaking through my clothing, sandwich included because well...Subway is better.

The ringing of the phone snatches me from my pleasant memory. I quickly grab my cell and answer, not bothering to check the caller ID to see who it was, just praying that it was one of the guys telling me everything was going to be alright.

"Hello?" I answer frantically.

"Yo. Is this the 24-hour Pizza Place?" the unfamiliar voice requests.

I grunt in frustration before I quickly hang up the call.

I lean back against the kitchen cabinets, my hands palm down on the cold counter and a million ugly scenarios running through my head.

I've never been a very religious person, but at times like this all I can do is pray.

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