Chapter 27

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I'm almost completely out of the ropes they used to hold me by the time I vaguely hear footsteps echo in the hall, right on the other side of the heavy metal door. I lay still in anticipation, pretending to be unconscious so that maybe I'll finally be able to get the upper hand in this shit situation.

I can hear the sound of the door being jerked open. I faintly see the change in light through my closed eyes. That, and the fact that the damn door was about as quiet as a freight train, tells me that I have company.

Still, I keep myself completely flaccid, my eyes clenched closed, the anticipation bubbling up in my stomach.

"Sit him up," I hear Patton's brusque voice demand.

I link my fingers together inconspicuously, bracing myself to be moved. Then, I feel myself being lifted upright in the chair. The movement is I need to further free myself from my binds. I can feel the ropes loosen even more now that they aren't squished against the concrete floor and the real struggle is keeping my body stiff so that it appears as if I'm still confined.

It's good to know, however, when I needed to be- I'll be free.

I just need to wait for the perfect time to let my self-determination be known. And right now isn't that time.

"Wake him up," Patton commands, which is immediately followed by a full forced punch to my already swollen face.

Somehow, I manage to keep my pain inside, still not showing them that I am already awake. When a pan of ice cold water is dumped over the top of my head, I have no choice but to struggle for air and open my eyes.

The nearly frozen liquid stings my battered skin in every spot it touches. My body begins to shake, convulsing in shock.

"Well good morning, sleeping beauty," Patton greets with a twisted sneer.

I don't verbally respond to him but I keep my eyes narrowed their way in clear disgust.

"Now, no need for all the dagger eyes, Tommy boy," he scolds with a smile. "I just want to have a little chat with you."

In response, I gather the biggest mouthful of blood and saliva I can muster and spit it his way, decorating his clean leather jacket and earning me another belt to the side of my face.

After the punch that he personally delivers, Patton grabs my chin and forces me to look into his eyes.

"Thought maybe you could use a lesson on loyalty, kid," he growls. "Now I can see you need a lesson on respect, too."

Forcefully, he pushes my head back by my chin before he steps back.

"There's an old saying about loyalty and respect. You know it?"

I say nothing, refusing to play along with his little game.

"Of course, you don't know it," he continues, answering his own stupid question. "It's not like you're very worldly. You see, Tommy. Trust is earned, respect is given and loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of any one of those is to lose all three," Patton recites. "We have a code of honor here, kid. Loyalty is the foundation of everything we live for, a code in which we live by. Respect? Or lack of respect? That's what we die for. Or in this case, what you will die for."

"The only people I owe loyalty to are the people who never made me question theirs," I mumble through my swollen lips.

"And who's that exactly? The Sons of Anarchy? That rag time group of old men who claim to be bad asses?"

I don't answer, refuse. Patton nods King and Tuck forward.

"It's a shame it had to come to this," Patton sighs. "I liked you, kid."

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