Chapter 28

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It felt as if it took hours to reach the collection on bikes and the two SUV's on the outside of the warehouse property. Everyone had gathered there to wait for us and I didn't miss the shudder of disbelief on their faces at the sight of me. I'm sure I looked like a damn zombie the way those pricks had beaten me.

I was surprised that so many Sons had come to rescue me- Shocked that they had cared enough to risk their lives for mine. This was true loyalty- A family.

I could understand better now why my father had done the things he had done to protect them all. Because they would've done the same for him in a heartbeat.

"You good, boyo?" Chibs asked me as he gripped my chin in his hands, inspecting the damage to my face and body quickly.

I pull my chin from his grasp and offer him a pained smile.

"I'm alive thanks to you crazy bastards so yeah, I'm good," I joked.

Tig released a booming laugh before he nudged Chibs out of the way and pulled me toward him for a crushing hug that my body wasn't ready for. I grimaced in pain, crying out just slightly before he quickly stepped back.

"Shit," he mumbled. "My bad, kid. Was just happy to see you, is all."

"You, too, old man. You, too," I replied with a slow pat on his shoulder.

A few seconds later Kenny joined the group, all smiles, like he didn't just kill a man in cold blood.

"You get that bastard?" Happy's deep voice questioned.

Kenny nodded.

"Yeah, but not before Abel over here took out the biggest of them. He's a great shot," Kenny remarked, almost proudly.

I looked up at Abel with my one good eye, noticing him standing in the background of our little reunion, watching with a faraway gaze on his face.

Everyone else looked his way as well, faces showing emotions ranging from Tig's look of shock that he'd done something like that to Chibs look of sadness that he had to.

"I never did get the location of the drug den," I admit to the boys. "We might have taken out Patton, but there's a million of him here. The Messengers aren't dead just because he is."

Tig shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"Don't worry about those assholes," he remarked. "We will take care of them. In the meantime, I think you need to see a doctor. And I have just the person you need waiting for us back at the clubhouse."


I couldn't believe that I would finally be able to see her, be with her. The mention of the sweet doctor with the stunning smile and no bullshit attitude had me straightening myself up the best I could and heading toward a waiting SUV.

"What about the bodies?" Abel whispered to the group, causing us to stop in our tracks.

Tig walked up to Abels side and put a compassionate arm around his shoulder.

"I wouldn't worry so much, little Teller," he promised. "Uncle Tig's got it all taken care of."

Abel looked his way with disgust before he shrugged his arm off his shoulders.

Tig didn't even look offended as he normally would, he almost appeared remorseful.

As the rest of us settled ourselves in the SUV or on their bikes, I watch Tig out the window. He reached into his vest and pulled out a pack of smokes and a zippo, lighting a cigarette and pulling in a deep breath of smoke. Then, he drops the lit cig to the ground and sparks of fire light up from the gas spilled on the pavement, leading back toward the warehouse.

As the Sons, Abel and I travel down the road, an explosion is heard in the distance.

I looked back at Tig and he was smiling as if he were the happiest man alive.


Tig called me and told me to be there, and so I was- walking back and forth in an empty club house, expecting these men to bring me home a corpse of the man I love.

I could hear the bikes coming down the empty streets and ran down the stairs and through the candy shop to the sidewalk. Sons begin to file around me and into the shop, heading upstairs. I knew I was waiting for the SUV to clear.

Chibs and Tig came out first and headed my way.

"How bad is it?" I asked them with my eyes on the vehicle.

"It's not pretty, dollface, but he's alive," Tig answered with a brief squeeze of my shoulders.

The back door opened and Kenny stepped out, followed by a beaten Tommy, and Abel. Abel and Kenny positioned themselves on either side of Tommy and began to lead him toward the shop.

Tommy was a mess of black and blue, one eye swollen completely shut and an oversized lip and swollen jaw. I wanted to run up to him, throw my arms around him, but as soon as I saw him I just didn't want to hurt him.

As soon as his one good eye spotted me, his feet stopped in their tracks.

I walked up to him and gently cupped his cheeks in my hands. Our brothers still held him up, I doubted he'd be able to stand alone, but it didn't stop me from raising myself up on my toes to press a featherlight kiss to his swollen lips.

"Welcome back," I whispered.


The guys helped to get Tommy situated on our makeshift hospital bed, the top of the pool table. They then proceeded to get drunk, high, laid or rest after such an eventful night. All except for Abel who had excused himself to go back to his hotel.

Therefore, they had all dispersed, leaving me to tend to Tommy's wounds in private.

"So are you done now, baby?" I asked as I stitched the laceration above his left eye.

Tommy was so doped up on pain killers that he couldn't feel a thing I was doing to him, he just kept his gaze focused in on my face.

"Done with what?" he asked sleepily, his eyes beginning to grow heavy under the power of the necessary drugs.

"Done running around with these guys? I don't know what I would do if I had to go through this again," I explained, pausing my stitch to run my fingers over his matted blonde hair.

"I'm not planning on patching in, if that's what you mean," he replied with a short laugh. "Turns out, club business it dangerous," he joked.

"So what are your plans now? Are you going home?" I asked, trying not to let the fear show in my voice.

I didn't want him going anywhere. I loved him.

Although, I supposed if worse came to worse I could always go with him.

"Ellie," he whispered, raising his hand from the table to touch the side of my face. "I am home. You're my home."

As he was mine.

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