Epilogue: 2 years later

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Ch.29 (epilogue): Two years later>


I finally got the call.

I'm lucky as all hell that I don't crash my truck as I pull up to the entrance of St. Thomas hospital. I'd been working at Teller-Morrow, changing the oil in an old 95' Pickup, when Kenny sent word that it was time. The guys laughed at me as I sat up underneath the truck and banged my head on the frame, but at least three of them followed behind me on their bikes.

I guess they are parking now but it doesn't matter much to me. I throw my keys to the valet guy at the door, and hustle my way through the hospital and up to the birthing unit, a black leather vest clutched in my hands.

Kenny, Tig, Chibs, Ratboy, Montez and Chucky are already standing in the corridor. Ellie must've been at the clubhouse when it happened. That's the only way these guys could've beaten me here with the way that I was driving.

"Where is she?" I ask them in a half panic.

"Relax, Goldilocks," Kenny says with a smile as he throws an arm around my shoulder. "The doc said he'd come out for you in a minute."

Kenny looks toward my hand and smirked.

"He forgot it again?"

I roll my eyes and nod my head as I hear the heavy double doors that separate the birthing unit from the rest of the hospital open again. I grip the vest tighter in my hand.

My parents, Nero and Wendy, sprint toward me with excited smiles and apparently, a group hug.

"I can't wait to be a Grandma," Wendy says into my ear before she pulls me back to look at me. "Jesus, Christ, Nero. Our boy's gone and grown up on us," she whispers with tears in her eyes as she looks me over.

"Come now, Ma," Nero consoles her. "None of that. This is a happy day."

My parents sold the farm and moved back home as soon as they heard that I was marrying Ellie and staying in Charming. They think I need looking after, I guess. Somehow, word of what had happened with the Messengers got back to them, and they came to make sure I stayed out of trouble.

Little did they know, even if they couldn't keep me away from the club I'm still as far away from trouble as I can be. I got enough trouble my first couple weeks in Charming to last a life time.

But these guys are as much my family now as they are. I might not have patched in, but I was a part of things in the safest way I could be- As a mechanic and confidant at Teller-Morrow, and the husband of the club Doctor.

Ellie's O.B comes from a side door and all eyes turn his way.

"You can come back now, Tommy," he says to me as he holds the door open.

I look back toward my people and smile before taking a deep breath and following the doctor inside.



I got the call from Tig and headed straight toward St. Thomas. I was done with what it was that I had been doing anyway (a blonde stripper named Destiny).

I'm not looking forward to seeing the faces of my parents, who I know will be there to support Tommy and his wife. Things between us have been strained since they came to Charming, to say the least. But I know if I wasn't there when my nephew was born, I would only be adding another regret to my already too long list of them.

I'm trying not to think about that, though. My drama and self-hate will have to wait for another day to analyze.

Instead, I focus on the feel of the wind in my hair as my brand-new Harley takes me flying as only she can.

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