Of Strenght, speed, & Weakness

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* The Guilds POV *

The guild arrived to an enormous gate. They walked in the front gate to be greeted by a gatekeeper.

"Welcome to the estate prove your strength," she said as she stood there by an enormous stone gate.

"Great a nut job," Gray spoke out loud as Erza smacked him in the back of the head.

"Will you quit doing that," Gray asked holding the back of his head from the pain of Erza's smack, as everybody laughed.

"What's going on N invited us," Macao said still laughing at what happened.

"N set up an test," she said as she looked at them and laughed.

"Now leave or play," she said as she stood by the stone gate.

"What's the test," Erza asked.

"I don't know the full test, but my test is to see your strength, open the 1st level of the gate," she said.

"Easy," Gray said as he walked up to the large gate and pushed with some might but it refused to open.

"W-what," Gray gawked.

"Its so simple to you, so open it," she mocked Gray and his arrogant tone.

"You open it," he said as she walked up and pulled off her jacket as her muscles were shown and she pushed it open in five seconds, with much difficulty she pulled it shut.

"Now open the gate," she said as she put her jacket.

"How can you open it," Erza gasped at her strength and asked.

"If I couldn't I would've been fired by now," she said regaining her composure.

"Now open the gate," she said as she pointed to Erza and Gray.

Erza walked up and Gray pushed against the gate. Finally she added to the strength and they held the gate open. Soon the gate had opened showing a forest with a path. Everybody walked in as Gray and Erza had run in behind them and the gate quickly shut behind them.

"That was only one level," gray said still panting from holding the gate open.

"That means there's more levels," Lucy said as she walked forward.

"Let's just get there," Master said sighing.

They all walked the path as they spotted another gate that had a note attached to it. "Another gate," Gray shouted.

"GATES ARE MANLY," Elfman shouted in reply.

Mira tore the note off the gate and read it out loud. "Turn around," she said as she and everybody else turned around to see a man.

"AHH," they screamed.

"How long have you been there," Cherry asked.

"Not important, but the whole time," he said.

"Solve my riddle," he said.

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