The untitled past

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He was in a cold white experiment room; he was with the girl fortunately. Natsu watched as the door was opened as the two scientists who made the deal with him had come in. They wanted to take the girl away, Natsu fought and would not let go, they stabbed him, kicked him, punched him, pried his hands from her but only for him to latch back on. He refused to let go, the girl was awake and she had latched on to Natsu for support.

"Don't let me go Natsu," she screamed and cried, she kicked and bit their hands away. As she bit each hand they got furious pulling their hand back in pain swinging there hand in an up in down motion as if the pain would disappear by that action. Natsu finally had pried her from their hands and they were furious and Natsu saw that, he quickly covered the girl as they beat Natsu.

"Natsu let me go, stop don't hurt him," Evelyn screamed again but for the opposite reason she was screaming before.

"I won't let you go, I've told you that before," I said as I smiled at her my body over hers watching the tears roll down her face wetting my white grungy shirt.

I grunted holding back my pain as they stabbed her in the head. The blood splashed over my face and they had backed up. "Crap I killed one," the guard said as I backed away from the once warm body, it was becoming more and more cold. She was dead; no more tears of joy or sadness, her goals were ripped from her body, as was her life.

I looked at her face, she had a smile of happiness but her face was still wet with tears. One of her eyes was gouged because of the pressure out and her mouth hung open with a bit of blood running down it. She was beautiful still with that look of horror, Natsu kept looking at the bit of blood on the side of her mouth he wanted to see more, he wanted to feel more of it. The now dry blood on his body wasn't enough. He wanted everyone's blood in this facility he wanted to feel, taste, smell, and see their blood.

He didn't cry for her death, no he grabbed the weapon left in her body and stabbed one of the scientists. The other one ran in fear while the guards fought, with luck they won and apprehended the weapon from Natsu and had thrown him back into a more secure cage. Natsu refused to eat or drink, but they needed him alive so they would make him choke it down.

Natsu only threw it up later by his choice. The guards and scientist got impatient and every time he would throw it up he would be forced to kill a prisoner. Natsu of course with his ignorance threw up one last time only to be forced to kill one or they would kill all of them. Natsu killed an innocent life and he was stained with sin, he felt the weight.

Natsu lay in his cold cage with four other kids who had no soul in their eyes. He looked the same as them, tired of life, tired of the guards, tired of his courage failing, and even more tired of his self. He wanted to die but at the same time he wanted to live. The clothing on his back would make a great rope for suicide and sometimes he awoke to kids strung up naked hanging by their clothes.

He thought it was the best idea they had ever thought of, they're never getting out of here and the same goes for his self. But what kept him from killing himself was the thought of Evelyn the girl he watched die, she talked about her little sister Yukino. On the thought of Yukino he came up with a new goal to live for, he's going to look for Yukino and tell her of her late big sister who was killed because he wasn't strong enough.


Natsu was tired and found new people who had found goals, he protected them the same way he had protected Evelyn. He wouldn't let them die like her; she died a useless, forgotten, pointless death. He's probably the only one who remembered her besides her little sister. But for her goal she needed to escape, they needed to escape for their goals as well.

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