No Fairy Tale's

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Once I opened my eyes to an orange room, faces lit up by the candles surrounding them. I could breathe easily and I had guessed they had removed my mask. Their eyes focused on me. Oran stood by my side as he wiped away my sweat on my forehead. "Another dream N?" his head cocked to the side as his eyes concentrated on my facial features.

"Dreams... I guess so," I chuckled to my self as I rubbed my eyes with my bandaged hands. "What happened to me?" I raised my hand above my head and observed the bandages. 

"You know what happened N." Oran glared, always a worry-wart. I smiled at him as I sat up and rubbed his hair. 

"Yeah, I guess I can sum it up, her magic flared up at the wrong time..." I stared at the candle as I sucked it up and swallowed the flame causing the room to go dark.

"Hey!" Oran lit the flame as he stood. 

"They know don't they?" I glanced down at my bandaged hands, how many times will I end in this position? I glanced away from my hands and stared in Oran's brown eyes. 

"..." He packed up the first aid kit and placed the wet rag back into the water bowl. 

"Oran." he stopped at his name.

"Yes, they all know N." He looked away 

"No need for that any longer, how was my acting?" I gave a small smile at him, my eyebrows tight.

"It was very convincing, Natsu," He smiled at my smile. "It's nice to see you smile again, are they that important to you?" Oran's question seemed more like a statement. 

"... Yeah, they mean the world to me, my life is written in paper while theirs in gold." I smiled at a small picture Oran had put up. A picture I tore out of that memory book, it's the guild. No more Fairy Tale's I guess. 

"Why did you hide from them then?" Oran stood, angered at my decision, clearly not understanding my position. "Do you place yourself higher than them?!"

"I can't go back, it's better for them to believe I was dead." I smiled at his childish misinterpretation of my intentions.


"I don't believe myself to be higher, while I can save them, they can save the world," I glanced at him, I heard them outside the door mumbling and whispering to each other to see who would come in. Oran seemed to hear them as well as he stared at the door. 

"You believe they can stop you..." Oran looked at the ground. "You believe that they can kill you," Oran whispered. "Why do you have to die?" he began to shake. 

"Oran, look at me," I grasped at his shoulder gently. "Please?" my smile remained. 

He looked up as his eyes were blurred with tears. His mouth tightly wound as if he was holding back. "Why can't they leave, why don't you want to live?" Oran's tears finally fell from his eyes and dripped down his chin to the ground. "Why are you trying to erase your existence?" 

"For them to live, for you to live, and for everyone to feel no loss, my existence must be non-existent, therefore N will disappear and Natsu would have died." My bandaged hands caressed his cheek as he placed his head more into my hand as my thumb wiped away his tears. 

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