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You were shocked right? 

"Natsu," Lucy shouted shocked.

"Flame brain what are you doing here," Gray asked.

"My job," Natsu was grinning

"This can't be Natsu, he didn't return the insult," Happy looked cautiously at the pinkette

"True, he's also to young to be our Natsu," Erza observed the younger version of her team mate.

"Who are you," Lucy skeptically asked, she was scared of feeling the pain she felt at the last gate.

"I'm your Memory, pass this gate without fear in your heart and sadness holding you back, and you may see N, many people who have entered this gate only to stop when sadness hits them, and soon get lost inside the maze of their own heart and die of heartache or of a heart attack from there own fear," the memory of Natsu still held his normal grin, it was breaking the guilds heart, but not only the guilds. But Mavis heart as well.

"I'm either your fear or your sadness," the memory observed the guild.

"Most likely your sadness, from your faces," the memory ignored there anger as he figured it out.

"I'll go," Gray stepped up by the gate, but as he put his foot inside the gate he saw Deloria and he screeched as he backed up from the gate.

"WHAT THE HELL," Gray screamed as Natsu smacked him in the back of the head.

"No cursing," Natsu said as he regained his composure.

"You all right my love," Juvia ran to Grays side yelled.

"I'm fine," Gray spoke as he pushed her away and stepped up to that gate, the vision of his town and parents dead and gone. He grunted at the fear and sorrow stepping past the gate he saw Ur and tears rolled down his face watching his sin, and then he remembered the words she spoke to him.

'I'll take your darkness away no matter what,' those words repeated in Grays head as he gained the courage to pass through the gate, gasping as if he ran a marathon he fell to the ground with no emotion on his face.

"Good next," The memory of Natsu spoke. But nobody stepped up as he laughed.

"I'll go," Erza said reluctantly as she walked forwards.

Erza stepped up and saw herself in the tower she shook it off and stepped her other foot through, then she saw Grandpa Rob die in front of her, she screamed of aguish, still standing in the gates path. Then she saw her sins, she remembered the fear of the people she cut through and left for dead, each one played in her memory. She felt there fear as she screamed once more and shook off the feeling. Erza crossed the gate gasping.

"It's only in the past," she repeated in a mantra rubbing it away like a bad dream, as Gray sat besides her not moving an inch to comfort her.

Lucy stepped through only to see her mother walking away. Then she saw her father, she saw all those days of loneliness pass by and she cried as she saw her father's predicament. She watched him as she saw the love and sadness in his eyes that she had missed when she was a child and she passed the gate. Soon everybody was across the gate. They had passed through with much difficulty, but they had managed to walk past there past.

"Why is N doing this to us," Macao yelled while gasping from the pain and heartache he felt from his own sad or horrid memories.

"N has not a reason, but a mission he's following," the memory said as he disappeared. The guild mates finally gained the ability to walk after that traumatic experience. They finally had arrived to the mansion they finally regained there calm minds.

* Guilds POV END *

* Natsu's POV *

'Man they're taking forever,' I wondered as I looked at the flames of a fireplace watching them grow as the wood burns away. I quickly stand up and the flames immediately go out, as there was a knock on the door I smelled a familiar smell that reminded me of memories, they smelled like fire and ash.

* Memories *

"Big brother, did I do this," I asked as I looked around seeing a burning building and saw people screaming while running out of the building on fire. They pleaded for death and some only smiled shouting the words 'demon or monster.'

"We both did, by bringing you back for you to finish me and your new fear," a boy said, everything around him was dark but he looked at me with a sad smile, I gazed at him for a second and we stood there in silence before we turned back to look at the screaming people and watch the building collapse as the screams silenced. Watching the people scream and plead made me feel comfort somewhere in my heart.

* END Memories *

"Come in," I said as I shook off that vision and watched as the door opened, the room was dark so I couldn't see there face and they could not see mine.

"M-Master," a woman stuttered.

"No need to call me that call me N, now tell me what is it," I corrected her.

"It's dinner time," she said as she rolled in a cart.

"Why aren't they here, I ordered a feast for them," I growled as she gave a short shriek.

"I-I don't know," she stuttered.

"I know who you are, I saved your life once and I can finish the job of the bandits if you don't tell me the truth," I threatened as I used my flames to surround her, she saw my face and I saw her face, she was utterly terrified. I recognized her smell from the minute she walked in this mansion, everybody here, I saved them all.

She looked around for a way to escape as I appeared in front of her. I gripped her face and forced her to look at my face. "It's not polite to look away from some one who's talking to you," I snarled as the flames turned blue and the temperature of the room increased. Her eyes were full of fear and lies, her eyes started to water up.

"T-the g-guards, they care for you so much they wanted to test them t-to see if t-they're worthy," she stuttered as she cried out of fear.

"Thank you, you may leave now," I said as I pointed to the door only to run out after she left the room and pulling my mask from my pocket wrapping it around my face (like Jellals/Mystogans) and putting on my cap over my pink hair.

Then as I arrived to the front door there was a knock as I heard a couple voices calling my nickname. "N open up were here," a firm voice, said, most likely Erza.

"Open the door," I commanded standing on top of the balcony in-between 2 large stairways.

"Right away sir," a butler said as they bowed to me out of respect as 2 others went down the stairs and opened the double doors.

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