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'Please, please help me I'm scared,' I thought to myself as I coward before a monster. The funny thing is; I created this monster myself, how I did it; I have neither one answer nor a clue towards it. All I know is that I fear it with all my might. "Help please, please help," I whispered so the monster could not hear a word. But as I said it turned to me and laughed with a big hearty roar from its mouth.

I reach for my keys, but they are not by my side, I'm alone in this, 'I'm going to die,' I thought to myself. "You have no magic, nor your keys, what will you do now little lady, A celestial wizard is useless without its magic," the monster spoke to me laughing at me it read my mind. I felt inferior and it angered me how weak I really am without them. I can't talk back nor can I do anything to it.

* Yukino's POV END *

* Natsu's POV *

"I hear a voice," I said turning my ears towards the sound.

"Where is it, it's our key to beat this monster and get your memories back," Mavis asked.

"Mavis, I can't pinpoint the sound of the voice, neither can I smell that person," I said sniffing.

"That's because were in a dream Natsu, our physical bodies will disperse from the dream after, but the person will see us no more than a mere image in their dream," She said to me.

"Then how will we reach the person," I asked.

"We won't," She said, I gawked.

"Then how," I asked.

"She'll come to us," she said as she sat there like she was waiting.

"But... but how," I questioned.

"She has to ask for help, from others than those close to her, she closed off her heart to others and won't ask for help," She said still sitting.

"Please help," an ominous voice spoke. It repeated in my ears for a while, and I tried to cover my ears, but the voice would only get louder. I turned to Mavis and she only sat there no expression on her face. She looked as if she didn't care for this voice at all.


"No, you can't go, she hasn't called for help to us yet," Mavis answered calmly to my yelling.

"ANYONE PLEASE HELP," the voice called loudly. I looked to her and she stood. A portal then opened leading to the monster and a woman with short bluish white hair, and sharp lightly dark brown eyes that shined with new tears.

* Natsu's POV END *

* Mavis POV *

I watched as Natsu quickly jumped in for the woman with bluish-white hair and sharp light wetted brown eyes. 'He's going to die that way, always trying to be the hero of the day, as I did before, is he willing to make that sacrifice,' I thought to myself as I walked through the portal.

* Mavis POV END *

* Normal POV *

Natsu jumped after the woman in the monsters hand and tackled it to the ground. The monster quickly got up and defended towards Natsu's fire dragon roar. Which put the monster in the advantage as Natsu went up from the force of the roar. It punched Natsu across the black abyss and sent him flying. Then Natsu's teleported back thanks to the woman's mind.

The woman trusts Natsu now that he's here protecting her, and she wants him next to her. So Natsu is now in the monsters blind spot and Natsu took that advantage and quickly hit the pressure point in the back of the neck and knocking the monster out. Natsu fell onto the top of the monster. Natsu quickly got up and walked off the monster to the girl.

* Normal POV END *

* Yukino's POV *

I'm scared I'm still scared. Why am I still scared when he's here right next to me? I watched as the monster got up. The man with the pink hair didn't see it and I couldn't scream out. I only pointed and when he turned around it was too late. The monster had squashed the air out of him and he was suffering I could see it on his face.

I want to help him yet all I can do is watch. 'NO,' I'm getting up even if my body weighs upon a thousand pounds, I won't let him die, he risked his life for me and I shall risk mine in return. I trust him; he'll save me when I'm in trouble. "I'M NOT AFRAID," I shouted to the monster as it looked at me and smiled, as it reached its large hand down and patted my head.

"I'm glad, that I can leave you with no fear or hatred in your heart, that is what I am," the monster said in a kind voice, it sounded familiar, like my father.

"Father..." I called out.

"I've always loved you Yukino," my father said as it transcended into a light and it fell apart as the world around me turned into a field. I reached for my father and hugged him as he dispersed to wherever he's going. The tears slowly dripped out one by one and I felt the weight disappear.

* Yukino's POV END *

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