The BadBoy [Zayn Malik FanFiction]

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*Isabella's p.o.v*

Me and my two best friends Brenda and Jade are going to our first live boxing match. We watch boxing all the time. You can say we aren't girlie. We sometimes dress like it but we don't really act girlie. "Ready to see some boxing!" Brenda yelled. "Yea!" We both cheered back.

We quickly get in my red mustang and head off to the arena where they will be fighting. I can't wait we got front row seats to the match. We drive towards the arena and get there pretty quickly. We let the people rip the bottom of our tickets and head inside to find our seat.

We find our seat right in the middle of the ring. Luckily we will be able to see the whole ring. I can't wait see them start fighting. "Oh my gosh I hope Zayn fights tonight." Brenda squeals. "Me too he is just so hot." Jade squeals back. Okay I think they are girlier than me. I don't fan girl over the boxers.

Mainly because I don't fan girl. *gasp* I know right. I just like to watch people punching other people. I don't look to see how hot a guy is. The main reason is because they either cheat on me or break up with me because they found a different girl.

"Ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together for Zayn. He is fighting Daniel." We all cheered and clapped. The bell rung and Zayn with in a second had Daniel on the ground punching him. The bell rung telling us Zayn has won. We all cheer and Zayn turns and sees me. He winks and walks over to his corner. "Round 2."

Zayn knocks the guy out in one punch. "BOO!" They all yelled wanting the fight to go on longer. Zayn just shrugged as the referee held up his hand. The guy on the ground got up and punched Zayn. They started fighting until everyone in the stands got involved. Everyone was hitting and pushing.

I tried to find my way out. I was punched in the eye. Now that hurt. I was still looking with my one good eye for an exit. Someone grabbed my hand and pulled me to the exit. With all the hits that I received on the way out I passed out. Not even knowing who was helping me out the ring.

I woke up with and ice pack on my eye, then I realized I was on a bed and it wasn't mine. "Hey. Your finally awake." I turned my head to the direction of the voice. It was Zayn! "How'd I get here?" I asked. "Well I saw how you were struggling to get to an exit so I decided to help you. Then you passed out so I brought you here."

"Oh okay I should get going my parents are probably worried sick." I said getting up. Zayn just shook his head and said, "I texted your parents they think your spending the night with a friend."

"What didn't you even think about me? I don't even know you!" I yelled at him. His eyes turned a shade of black but I still kept ranting. I got up and kept yelling, "I want to go home NOW." I demanded. "Listen I am sorry that you passed out, but your staying here for the night understand?" He asked walking towards me.

My back hit the wall, but he still kept getting closer to me. "I said do you understand me!" He yelled pinning my wrists to the wall. I just shook my head to scared to talk. He let go of my wrists and left closing the door behind me. I swear I heard it lock. I turned the door knob and yes he did just lock me inside the bedroom.

This is great. (Note sarcasm). I am not staying here. Zayn scares me to death. I look around and spot a window. I am so leaving here. I open the window and put my leg out it. The door knob starts to jiggle so I hurry and put my other leg out. I hop out and didn't notice I was on the second floor.

My ankle cracked as I landed on the dirt. Wow I have some back luck, Zayn lives in the woods. Zayn yells for me and I hear him start to run downstairs. I quickly pick myself up and head towards the woods. The front door opens as I enter the woods.

I hop over the branches until Zayn is close to me. I pick up my pace and I trip over a vine. I wince in pain as my ankle starts to hurt worse. I get cuts from the fall. There is no way I can possibly get up again.

I curl up in a ball as pain shoots all over my body. I feel myself being lifted up, but I'm in to much pain to care right now. I get carried until the door opens, I'm set down on the couch. Zayn looks at my ankle and leaves for a few minutes.

He comes back with some ice and a first aide kit. He puts the ice on my ankle and I slightly jump from the coldness. He opens the kit and cleans the cut on my cheek. He looks at my eyes and opens his mouth to talk. "Why?" He asked me. "Why what?"

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