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Every one was in bed and Hayes would be watching tv so I went down to get a drink and Hayes sat up and looked at me I smiled and walked to the kitchen he came in and gave me a hug I sat on the counter

Hey their Rosealie -Hayes

Hi -Rose

What are you doing up this late love you should be in bed -Hayes

Couldnt sleep -Rose

That sucks -Hayes

Yeah it does -Rose

Come watch tv with me -Hayes

What are you watching -Rose

Twilight -Hayes

Nice -Rose

Yep -Hayes

Can I ask you something -Rose

Yeah -Hayes

Kenz told me that you said she was to brake up with Ashton -Rose

No she miss heard me I said you need to brake Ashton out of that hat -Hayes

Oh okay -Rose

Yeah lol -Hayes

Rose sat next to me and watched tv I put my arm around her shoulder we watched the one movie she went back up stairs

Rose -Derk

What -Rose

Come here -Derk

Okay -Rose

What were you doing down stairs -Derk

Watching Twilight Hayes was up so -Rose

Go to bed -Derk

Yeah love you to -Rose

Sure -Derk

Lol -Rose

I went in and laid down Jake started talking in his sleep I woke him up

Wild Dolphins -Jake

Omg Jake srsly -Rose

Sorry love did I wake you -Jake

Yeah actually you pushed me out of bed -Rose

Sorry bad dream -Jake

Its fine -Rose 

Come here -Jake

He held his arms open I put on knee on the bed and I didnt react fast enough so their fore I I slammed against his chest I kissed him and put my arms around my neck in fear he wrapped his arms around my waist

Hey whats wrong -Jake

Nothing i just hurt my wrist when I fell off the bed -Rose

Hey let me see -Jake

I looked her arm was all bruised she couldnt move it I got up and got her arm brace I put it on her she laid down and stared at the tv

What -Jake

Can I have the remote please -Rose

Yeah here you go love -Jake

I gave her the remote she turned on Nas Car and started watching tv then she changed it to Wrestling nothing good was on tonight she laid their I wrapped my arms around her back she buried her face in my chest  and passed out

Ashton -Kenz

I didnt do it -Ashton

Hey chill -Kenz

Sorry whats up -Ashton

I dont know were Hayes is -Kenz

Hold on -Ashton

We went down Hayes wasnt on the couch he was jumping on the trampoline he said he couldnt sleep

I woke to Jake not in bed I went in Mary Alices room she was gone I ran down the stairs Jake was up making breakfast

Good morning love -Jake

Hi -Rose

Were is everyone -Rose

In the dining room -Jake

Okay -Rose

Cool -Jake

I better go get dressed so I can bring Jake to Grant and Tasha -Rose

Yeah about that they already came and got him this morning -Jake

I didnt even get to say good bye to my baby -Rose

I went over to Rose she wrapped her arms around my waist and cried into my chest she picked up Mary Alice and took her into the dining room with silent tears running down her eyes

Good morning sun shine -Hayes

Good morning Sis -Derk

Good morning sleeping beauty -Ashton

Good morning Rose is everything all right -Kenz

Yeah I am fine -Rose

Okay -Kenz

And good morning -Rose

I sat Mary Alice in her high chair and sat by the table and put my hands in my face Jakes cold hands came and made contact with my shoulders he whispered into my ear

Rose its okay we are going to see him later -Jake

Okay -Rose

I kissed Rose and sat down

Next time get a room -Derk

But we are in a room -Rose

Lol very funny -Derk

Why are we eating in here we only eat in here on special occasions -Rose

Oh wow -Ashton

What I am not awake yet -Rose

Lol -Kenz

Oh right Happy Birthday Kenz -Rose

Thanks -Kenz

I will be right back -Rose

Okay -Hayes

I ran up the stairs and grabbed the bracelet necklace earrings dress and shoes I got Kenz and bought them down

Here Kenz -Rose

I opened it and went over to Rose and gave her a hug we ate and all got dressed and we all left  

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