Crazy/Night Mares

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Today Rose was taking a nap so I started cleaning the house Derk still had Mary Alice he was taking her places like he did when Rose was little he has been taking her to the zoo play ground he is having fun so thats okay well when I was cleaning the house was upstairs and I heard Rose screaming I went down stairs so O could make out what she was saying in her sleep

No please I don't want to be raped again o cat go through it -Rose

Rosealie wake up -Jake

No I can't be raped -Rose

Hey wake up no one is gonna rape you -Jake

Rose wok up and grasped on my shirt in her fist

Hey your okay -Jake

I am not crazy I am gonna get raped again -Rose

What are you taking about -Jake

I have seen it I am gonna be raped again -Rose

Hey listen to me your not gonna be raped -Jake

I have seen it in my future -Rose

Hey come here -Jake

I picked Rosealie up she was shaking I brought her upstairs she was crying I called Derk Hayes and Ashton

Phone call to Hayes

Hey you need to bring Kenz over we need to figure somthin out -Jake

Okay will be over on an hour -Hayes

Phone Call To Ashton

Hey -Jake

Was up -Ashton

Come here in like an hour -Jake

Okay -Ashton

Phone Call To Derk

Hey -Jake

Is everything okay - Derk

No Rosealie is having night mares -Jake

I will be over in an hour and a half -Derk

Okay -Jake

Kenz Hayes and Ashton arrived Kenz and Rose fell to  sleep they both started screaming No I don't want to be raped as like 10 minutes after Derk walked in

No we dong want to we have been raped several times -Kenz

Leave us alone we have husbands were happy cant you see that -Rose

Hey wake up -Derk

Kenz Rose wake up Hayes

Don't touch me -Kenz

Get your hand off of her -Rose

The girls woke up and latched on to their brothers in fear they both had a cold sweat on them something is affecting them

I have seen mine an Kenzies future we get rapped -Rose

What are you talking about Derk

I need to go -Kenz

Calm down -Derk

No we half to leave this state -Rose

Rosealie calm down -Ashton

Kenzie and Rosealie stood up Kenzie ran for the front door Rose ran for the back door

Grab them -Derk

Kenzie and Rose were already out the door Kenzie was half way down the street Rose was jumping over the fence she was half way over the fence she jumped and landed on her feet Ashton texted me they caught Kenzie she was cuffed and sitting on the couch Hayes was coming to help is catch Rose he was going around the fence we heard a scream

I caught her -Hayes

Let me go -Rose

Here -Jake

Jake threw me the hand cuffs I cuffed Rosealie and we brought her back to the house

Kenzie Rosealie calm down and explain these dreams to me -Derk

Okay -Rose

Well Rose and I are at the beach girls day out we get separated -Kenz

And I get taken to a basement were no one can here me scream Kenzie is in the attic -Rose

The guys rape us -Kenz

What guys -Jake

Blake and Eliot -Rose

Blake rapes Rose and Eliot rapes me -Kenz

Rose ran upstairs Kenz grabbed Ashton Hayes an left Derk went to go see Lady Audra so it was just me and Rose at he house

Come here baby girl Jake

Jake -Rose

Yea -Jake

Move -Rose

Why -Jake

I think I am gonna be sick -Rose

Okay okay -Jake

Rose ran into the br and threw up she and Kemz were only 3.5 months pregnant so yeah she came back out after she brushed her teeth and came back out and sat on my lap

Thank you -Rose

For what sweet heart -Jake

Being their for me an Kenz believing in me when no one else did an giving me a perfect family -Rose

Your welcome anything for my baby girl -Jake

I teased Rose by pecking at her lips Rosealies eyes fluttered  open she moaned softly as I sicked the skin on her neck her I pushed her down and hovered over her she put her hands were placed on my chest mine were in her front pocket

Jake stop -Rose

No your so beautiful -Jake

As I continued to kiss Rosealie she undid my shirt

Hey how far you wanna go -Jake

Idk -Rose

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