Discovered Part 2

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Kenz and Rose were sitting on the couch I went into see Ashton talking to Rose she wouldn't calm down she stop she went up stairs I went up she was looking in the mirror with scissors in her hand getting ready to cut her hair I stopped her just in time I threw them she asked what I was doing 

What are you doing -Jake 

Cutting my hair -Rose

Why -Jake

I looked at him and gave him my phone he read the messages put my phone down and opened his arms I went into them and cried by the time I was done crying my mascara was all down my face and his shirt was soaked

Hey what did I say about you showing me these messages -Jake

To show you the instant I got them -Rose

And why didnt you -Jake

I didnt want to bother you -Rose

That is noe reason to hate your self or ruin your beautiful hair -Jake

Violet Saffron -Derk

Oh no -Rose

I went down and told him not to yell at her she came down she had mascara all down her face Kenzie came t to the rescue with make up remover

What did I do now -Rose

He looked at the floor and seen scuff marks from heels she tried to hide her laugh but couldnt help it she giggled that very cute and ominous giggle of hers

What did I miss something -Derk

Yeah I didn't jump off the railing I slid in my heels trying to brake them in -Rose

Oh okay -Derk

I went over to Mary Alice and took her out of the play pen she smiled at me I tickled her she laughed and reached for Jake I ran to the br and threw up and Kenz threw up in he garbage Jake and Ashton looked confused the they realized what was going on we were pregnant I stood their in shock another child I threw up again Jake came over and haled my hair I was 19 he was 20 he was an adult I was still a teen

Rose are you okay -Derk

How is Kenz -Hayes

She is doing good her and Rose can hardly stand -Ashton

Why is everything okay -Hayes

We figured out why the girls were screaming -Jake

Why -Hayes

Their pregnant -Derk

I passed out at hearing those words

Hayes -Kenz

I am pregnant -Rose

I dont under stand I wore a condom -Jake

Not when you gave me my bday present -Rose

Sorry but isnt this exciting -Jake

Yeah -Rose

We are a big happy family -Kenz

I was in Jakes arms I havent eat or drank anything really in a while so I felt light headed dizzy and weak I remember collapsing and then everything went black ....

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