You didnt believe us part 2

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Ashton and Jake came in with the girls it was raining earlier so they were soaked their clothes were ripped they had bruises and cuts they were terrified

Who did this to you -Hayes

Hayes dont yell at them -Derk

Sorry -Hayes

We are gonna need you girls to tell us who did this to you -Derk

The names Eliot and Blake came out of their mouths and I punched the wall Hayes kicked the stairs Jake and Ashton both screamed the word WHAT  causing the girls to clutch the shirts in their fist shaking teeth chattering

Hey its okay they can't hurt you -Hayes

Non of you believed us when we said we were gonna get rapped -Kenz

We don't believe it would happen because those 2 were locked up - Derk

Just everyone out of my house -Rose

Cya -Hayes

Bye -Ashton

Bye Rosealie -Kenz

By sis please stay in the house when Jake goes out side don't answer the door with out Jake an please don't answer any unknown numbers Hayes is telling Kenz the  same thing now -Derk

Okay -Rose

Bye -Derk

By love you Rose

Rose go change -Jake

Rose came down in one of my cut offs and a pair of panties she sat on the couch next to me I put my hand on her leg an kissed her cheek

You want a drink -Jake

Yes please -Rose

What would you like to drink -Jake

Hot tea with honey -Rose

Okay I will be back -Jake

Jake went into make me my tea I ran upstairs to get Mary Alice cause she was crying she was happy when she seen me I brought her down and turned on the TV I put my pillow behind my back and covered up with a blanket here comes my love

Here you go -Jake

Thanks -Rose

I took a sip of my tea and set it down I got up to grab Mary Alice Jake slapped my butt my hair was in a braid

Hey -Rose

Hey what -Jake

Very funny -Rose

I picked up Mary Alice and brought her upstairs after I feed her I made her some soup then she went to take a bath I put her in her purple pjs and laid her down for bed I went down stairs to see Jake sleeping on the couch I sat next to him and went through papers bills junk mail when I finished going through that I started to clean the kitchen dining room and living room the upstair would be tomorrow when Jake goes to the air port to say good by to his parent they are taking my children on vacation I will be sure to thank them when they return Ashtons parents are going to Florida with Tasha and grant they are taking Baby Ashton and Leah so they can all have fun then their was a knock at our door I looked through the peep hole to see Derk their

Hey sis how are you -Derk

Good -Rose

Were is Jake -Derk

Sleeping on the couch -Rose

You need to go to bed its 2 in the morning -Derk

I am not until I get my house clean at least the down stairs I am almost done all I have to do is clear the coffee table -Rose

Okay -Derk

Why are you here -Rose

I came to check on you and pack Mary Alices things for tomorrow -Derk

Thanks -Rose

Welcome -Derk

No go up to bed -Derk

Go home her stuff is packed -Rose

Kay bye -Derk

I sat down on the couch and huffed out a heavy breath I started heading up the stairs I went in to my bed room into our connected br I washed my face brushed my teeth and went to lay down I heard Jake coming up I put my hands above my head and started taking deep breaths Jake goes into the br and washes his hands he comes in strips down to his boxers and lays down leaving his clothes on the floor but I wont say anything until my house is fully clean tomorrow

Babe you still awake -Jake

Yea -Rose

Gn I love you -Jake

Gn I love you to -Rose

Sleep has taken over

Ashtons House

Kenzie and I just arrived home from Jakes we were tired I had Kenzie shower so she didnt get sick after she showered I hopped in normally we would shower together but I dont want to hover after what happened Jake nor I would force them to go to the cops because they wouldnt do anything because they are all buddie buddie with those 2

Kenz how you feeling -Ashton

A lot better now -Kenz

I am sorry we didnt believe you -Ashton

Its fine I just dont understand why people dont understand that Rose can see the future because she can she can see whats gonna happen to all of us before it happens -Kenz

Thats not true -Ashton

You know what happened to her when she was she was 13 -Kenz

Yea -Ashton

That triggers something the Dr she went to even told Derk that -Kenz

How -Ashton

They did some type of brain scan she even made them try to shock her to get rid of the memory of that time in her life but it went wrong -Kenz

That sucks -Ashton

Yea -Kenz

I would have never known if you didnt tell me -Ashton

Well what is her best friend for -Kenz

Exactly -Ashton

Yep -Kenz

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