Brothers vs . Friends

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Ashton Derk and Hayes stayed in a black van I followed Rose James and Drake were following us in a van they radioed me and told me to tackle her

I was walking I knew Jake was behind me I got tackled by Jake I struggled and screamed but no one heard me

Let me go -Rose

Sorry but I cant and tbh I remember getting you when I was 14 and you were 13 -Jake

Get her in the van -Drake

Here let me help -James

No dont touch me please -Rose

I slid my hand up her skirt and slapped her she was cuffed to the door

Hey Jake get her warmed up start it -Drake

Okay -Jake

I kissed her she restrained

Rose chill were almost to the house -James

Please let me go -Rose

No -Drake

Why -Rose

James get in the back with Rose and have it 3 some -Drake

Let me go -Rose

We arrived at the house we had her cuffed we ducked taped her mouth Hayes Derk Ashton and the cops were close by they had like everyone

The last time they captured me I was the only girl they have a house full of under age girls 16 and 17 years old

So what should we do first -James

Lets get her eased in to it -Drake

Okay -James

Sure -Jake

Jake goes first -James

Yep -Drake

I sat next to Rose and  put my hand on her leg and went under her skirt she tried to stand up but Drake and James sat her down the did more to her than I did they went at it for weeks no one could get in Rose was scared and so were the other girls 3 months have gone by and no one could get in finally Rose was scared I ditched and got to Derk Hayes and Ashton they brought all the girls out and brought Rose out last after we heard a gun shot they brought Rose out in their arms she tried to run to Derk but was held back

Let me go I want to go to my brother -Rose

Mrs lets get you cleaned up first -Emt

Rose your okay -Jake

Jake -Rose

I went over to her and gave her a kiss I was pushed back by Hayes

Rose we will meet you at the hospital -Derk

Hurry -Rose

We got her in the ambulance she was shaking we got her in got samples and cleaned the blood up her family was here she got up from the bed

3 months -Rose

They couldnt get in until they had a warrant -Derk

Lets go home -Rose

Rose sat in the back with me we had Ashton drop us off at our house he went into town

Rose are you upset -Jake

No I am happy you sacrificed your brothers for my happiness -Rose

I kissed Rose and started to cook I have been cooking instead of pizza all the time we ate and sat on the couch I kissed Rose she laid down with her feet on my lap I laid down and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck she moaned

Rose you wanna go get Mary Alice -Jake

Yeah -Rose

We went and picked her up Jakes parents wanted us to stay the night so we did they said good night we went into his room and Mary Alice went in with baby Jake

I kissed Rose and went and got us a few beers for old tome sake we drank and we were pretty out of it

Jake -Rose

Yeah -Jake

I for got what I was gonna say -Rose

I kissed Rose and took off her shirt I pulled down her skirt and kissed her neck I grabbed her boob she moaned I got over top of her and kissed  her she giggled  I unbuckled my belt and pulled down my boxers Ashton said he was doing the same thing with Kenz Rose was happy I kissed her almost reaching my point and let it out her walls clenched around me

Do that again baby girl -Jake

Okay -Rose

She did it again my shaft got harder in side her I bit he lip playfully I kissed her neck and collapsed next to her in  a matter of minutes I passed out and so did she

I woke up next to Jake we were naked I thought to my self what happened last night I passed back out my phone went off I answered it but it was a video clip of Kenz and Ashton I dropped my phone and screamed but not that loud just loud enough so I could wake Jake

What what happened -Jake

Here -Rose

I watched the video clip and had a blank face

Disturbing -Jake

Ya think -Rose

Lol -Jake

I dont remember what happened last night -Rose

I looked over at my dresser seen the beer bottles and looked at her that s when I noticed my eyes in the mirror my eye and her eyes were blood shot bad

Rose were gonna have to wear  sunglasses -Jake

Why -Rose

Look at the mirror -Jake

I looked my eyes were blood shot I looked at him stood up with his robe around me and went to get dressed

Rose -Jake

What is wrong -Jake

i have a head ache -Rose

We both do -Jake

Is that Mary Alice screaming -Rose

Yeah -Jake

I zipped my hoodie as he finished pulling up his boxers we ran out of are room and went to see what was wrong Mary Alice fell trying to walk and scraped her knee

Hey its okay -Rose

Dada -Mary Alice

Daddies girl -Jake

Good morning sweet heart -Rose

Eh -Jake

Hi baby you look adorable today -Rose

Eh -Jake

Come here -Rose

He put his arms up I picked him up he was so adorable I tickled his feet he giggled

Hi baby boy -Jake

I cant tell you how much mommy misses you -Rose

Hey we need to get going -Jake

Yeah lets go -Rose

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