Busy Day

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Today was gonna be running around doing errands and all that stuff Rosealie had to go to the dentist and let me tell you she put up a fight

Rosealie come on you have to go to the dentist -Derk

No why -Rose

You have to get your braces today the diamond ones -Derk

Fine -Rose

We were in the dentist office for what seemed like forever the dentist came in and got out my diamond braces they were cute but I would look stupid

Hello -Dentist

Hi -Derk

I placed the braces on Rosealies teeth and let them set for 5 minutes them they left

This sucks -Rose

Smile and let me see -Derk

She smiled and her braces about blinded me they reflected of the light

You looke beautiful -Jake

Really -Rose

Always their princess -Jake

Thank you -Rose

Np -Jake

Omg my mouth hurts -Rose

Sweet heart they will for a while -Derk

No it is like their bleeding -Rose

Here open up -Derk

Rose opened up her mouth shirked and went to spit in the sink

Rose are you okay -Derk

I am fine I have  a head ache -Rose

Come lay down -Derk

Leave me alone -Rose

I heard a door squeak and some one go out back it was Ashton coming inside with Kenz

Hey were here -Ashton

Hey -Kenz

Hey -Jake

Were is Rose -Kenz

She is in the kitchen -Jake

Hey Rose let me see your braces -Kenz

No they look awful -Rose

Probably they do now -Derk

Why -Kenz

The blood from her jaws -Derk

Oh great -Ashton

I am going to lay down -Rose

I will be up in a sec -Jake

I gave Kenz a bag that Rose wanted to give her and went up Rosealie was in the br brushing her teeth I went in and stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her causing her to squeal she rinsed her mouth out I picked her up and carried her in the bed room

I love you -Jake

I love you -Rose

What happened here -Kenz

The little ones happened -Derk

Omg I am so  sorry I will clean up -Kenz

Thanks -Derk

Welcome -Ashton

I thought in my head as I laid up stairs with Rose what would happen if she ever wanted to move away just me and her and Mary Alice and baby Jake then I felt a tear slide down my face I whipped it away Rose wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face in my chest I rubbed her back she looked at me grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me

Hey whats wrong your crying -Jake

Nothing I didnt even realize I was crying sorry -Rose

Its fine you dont have to apologize -Jake

Idk why I am crying -Rose

Its fine -Jake

I kissed Rosealie she put he face in the crook of my neck I wrapped my arms around her tightly and put on some music to help her sleep she tossed and turned all night then at one point I realized she wasnt in bed I went down stairs she wasnt their  I came back up she was in the br throwing up I went in and sat next to her once she was done she tried to stand up but fell I caught her by putting my arm behind her  back

What was that -Derk

Nothing -Rose

I am coming in I heard glass smash -Derk

No you didn't -Rose

I walked in to see glass on the floor and Rosalie standing in Jakes arms

What happened in here -Derk

I fell throwing up hello I am pregnant -Rose

Sorry -Derk

I walked over to Derk and wrapped my arms around his neck he hugged me I kissed his cheek I went in his room for a minute he was in his bed room in his bathroom so I grabbed a box that had Do not touch anyone including Rose I took it in my room and started going through it

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