Miserable comes with sickness

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We arrived and Ashton Kenz and Hayes was their I had sunglasses on trying to hide my bruised eye I was in a short short shorts a tank top and high tops I had my hair in a pony tail and sat on the couch

Rose why do you have sunglasses on in the house -Ashton

Because I do -Rose

Take them off thats not good for your eyes -Hayes

Leave me alone -Rose

Rosealie take them off now -Derk

I ignored his command and continued texting he came and took them off I dropped my phone and put my face in my hands

Give them back -Rose

No look at me -Derk

No -Rose

Hayes Ashton grab her -Derk

They stood Rosealie up and I removed her hands from her face I looked at her and then at Jake and freaked out

Wtf happened to your eye -Derk

Nothing just leave me alone -Rose

Rosealie you told me he didnt -Kenz

Can we just drop it is my daughter awake -Rose

No -Hayes

I am going out side -Rose

Rose sit -Derk

No -Rose

As I said once wtf happened to your eye -Derk

Okay Jake got a little drunk and swung at me but I am okay -Rose

Rosealie -Hayes

Can everyone just leave me alone -Rose

Rose went upstairs we heard her bedroom door shut Ashton and Hayes went up to talk to her Kenzie stayed down here with Jake Leah and I

Rose can we come in -Hayes

What ever -Rose

Hey is everything okay -Ashton

Idk I mean everyone has been annoying me James and Drake broke my window and broke in my house but didnt take any thing everything is a mess things might have been better if I wasnt this way -Rose

Hey dont say that -Ashton

Your an awesome friend a nice wife to Jake and a great mom -Hayes

I dont feel like it ever sense I met Jake the real Jake everything has gone wrong everyone's life would be better your lives would better if I wasnt here -Rose

Hey dont say that -Ashton

Well What do you want me to say -Rose

Hey look at me -Hayes

I looked at Hayes he kissed my forehead and so did Ashton the anger washed away from my body I felt calm and relaxed I went down stairs to Derk and hugged him then I went and got and ice pop I ate it out in the kitchen I was standing Ashton came and lifted me on to the counter

You feeling better -Ashton

Yea thanks -Rose

Welcome -Ashton

I finished my ice pop and went into the living room were Derk got me we all broke out into dance for some reason when are favorite song came on up town funk then we danced to Silento

Omg this is awesome -Rose

Sure is -Derk

We finished dancing and sat down I went to go throw up I didnt feel good I collapsed against the door when I got a pounding headache

Rose you almost done -Hayes

Leave me alone for right now -Rose

Hey come on open up are you okay -Hayes

I was starting to sweat feeling worse than I did

Rose open up are you okay -Hayes

Go away -Rose

I am getting Derk -Hayes

I am fine I am coming out -Rose

I came out I  could barely stand sweating to death I felt like I was gonna pass out I went and stood by the banister going to the stairs I grabbed on to it and bent over holding my stomach I went in to the dining room to grab a drink I drank some I set it down on the table everyone came out from the kitchen I was sweating worse couldn't stop the pain I felt dizzy light headed I was grabbing on to everything doing my best to stay conscious only 2 more months to go I can do this I went over to Jake he wrapped his arms around me I had the urge to throw up I was getting ready to pass out I ran to the br

Hayes open up please -Rose

Hold on -Hayes

Hayes please -Rose

Hayes was taking to long so I shot up the stairs as fast as I could and locked my bed room door but not the br door I threw up and passed out on the floor

It has been 20 minutes sense Rose went upstairs -Kenz

I hope she is okay -Ashton

I am going up Ashton come with me -Jake

Kenz stay down here Derk stay down here with her -Ashton

We went up we called for Rose  she wouldnt answer I got really worried

I am gonna have to pay Derk back for what I am about to do -Jake

What are you -Ashton

I was cut off by Jake kicking the door in he ran to the br Rosealie was passed out on her side her hair was in her face she was sweating like crazy we dont know why I figured it out

Dehydration lack off food intake -Jake

Wtf does that mean -Ashton

That we need to get her to the hospital right now -Jake

Derk -Ashton

Derk get up here and call and ambulance -Jake

Why -Derk

Just do it -Jake

Okay -Derk

I called the ambulance and went up to see Rose unconscious on the floor sweat dripping dark rings under her eyes

Rosealie -Derk

Hey wake up -Ashton

Why did Rose want the br so bad -Hayes

Go get out of here go down with Kenz now -Ashton

Okay -Hayes

Hayes went down Jake carried Rose down to the ambulance and put her on the stretcher I rode with her because they would need info so on the way I jotted it all down we arrived they got her in hooked up I was in that room for hours she still hasnt woken up I was woke up around 2 from a sweet gentle voice I was sleeping in the chair Jake was in the other one Hayes Ashton and Kenz were in the car well truck it was Rose who had woken me

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