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Today is April first and we all know what that means pranks I have certain ones set up for Rose Jake Hayes Derk and Kenz the girls are with our parents this is gonna be awesome

Rose come here -Derk

What -Rose

I went into Derks room he told me to come over I went and sat on his bed I was a couple  months pregnant so was Kenz I didnt feel good so now he was probably wondering what was going on

Are you okay -Derk

Fine just have a stomach ache -Rose

Oh your okay -Derk

And  beware Ashton has prank set up for us in different places -Rose

Again -Derk

Yea -Rose

Derk and I went down stairs and Derk stepped on one step and got caught in a net

Omg Derk -Rose

Ashton -Derk

I came out ad started dancing to music Derk was yelling

Get me down -Derk

Okay okay -Ashton

Ashton let me down and I landed on my feet I chased him we heard Hayes scream he always strikes the girls last he gets the boys first he gets the girls last last year he got Kenz with fake spiders when she was coming in the house and then he got Rose with her fear of German Shepard's

Ashton I am gonna kill you -Hayes

We went in the kitchen and seen Hayes was soaked with water

Ha ha -Rose

Come here you -Hayes

Hayes chased after me he got me and left a kiss on my cheek next was Jake

What do you have panned for Jake -Rose

Something extra special -Ashton

You better not hurt him -Rose

It wont hurt him he is in the pool right now right -Ashton

Yea -Rose

Help shark in the pool -Jake

Omg -Rose

Ha -Kenz

Omg -Ashton

What Kenz

You  scared the crap out of me -Ashton

Help -Jake

Rose went out on to the deck and thought the shark was real so she dove in and when she found out it was fake she went under water and powered it off

Oh I am gonna kill you -Jake

Kenz is getting pranked first this year I pranked Rose first last year -Ashton

Kenz was getting ready to sit on the couch and when she sat fake snakes were gonna pop out this was gonna be funny

I sat down and something popped out of the couch

Snakes omg help me please -Kenz

Ha ha -Ashton

Oh I am gonna get you -Kenz

Kenz chased me and finally caught me I kissed her and apologized Rose called me

Ashton come here please -Rose

Coming -Ashton

I went into Rose she was trying to grab advil

Can you help your the tallest one in the house -Rose

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