Under 24/7 survalince

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Derk -Rose

Rosealie your okay -Derk

Yea what happened -Rose

Just never mind but you need to start eating sleeping and drinking more -Derk

I will I promise -Rose

Okay do you want me to go get a nurse -Derk

No I am good -Rose

Jake bashed his head off the wall and woke up his eyes darted to Rosealie

Hey baby girl your awake -Jake

Hey -Rose

How you feeling baby girl -Jake

Fine -Rose

Okay good we are gonna talk when we can go home I am gonna go get Ashton Kenz and Hayes -Jake

No dont leave me please -Rose

I will brb -Jake

No -Rose

I will go get them -Derk

Okay thx -Jake

Yep -Derk

He went and got them I leaned over Rosealies bed to kiss her forehead she smiled her famous super model smile I grabbed her hand she looked at me in a weird way

What -Jake

Why am I here -Rose

Because you havent been eating properly sleeping drinking -Jake

Oh sorry -Rose

Its fine -Jake

I was out in the parking lot I looked through the window Ashton was pushed back in the seat with his hands behind his head Kenzie was in the back seat laying down Hayes had his feet on the dash board seat leaned back the two guys were snoring I unlocked the door and opened it

Wtf is going on -Ashton

Rose is awake -Derk

Sweet lets go -Hayes

Kenzie -Ashton

Mh -Kenz

Kenz come on -Hayes

No -Kenz

Lets go -Ashton

Ugh do you two morons realize what time it is -Kenz

Rose is awake -Derk

Oh then in that case lets go -Kenz

We went in I sat back in my chair next to Rosealie she was talking to Jake

Hey Rose how you feeling -Ashton

Good I guess -Rose

Rose are you sure your okay -Kenz

I promise I am fine I am stronger than you think -Rose

Rose I am sorry this was my fault -Hayes

Dont worry about it -Rose

Rose laid their a nurse came in and unattached the needles from Rosealie arms and left she came back with juice and what looked like mac and cheese Rose ate and drank they came in and took the tray

Were did Ashton Kenz and Hayes go -Rose

Idk tbh -Derk

Ashton Hayes and Kenzie came back in the room

Hey Rose -Ashton

Hey -Rose

We all got you something -Hayes

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