Down Town /Maybe Not

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Jake and were gonna take Mary Alice down town but that all changed when we got a call from the hospital Derk was being hospitalized and they didnt say why

Hello -Rose

Hi is this Rosealie -Nuse

yes -Rose

Hi your brother Derk is in the hospital -Nurse

Why -Rose

We cant tell you until you get here -Nurse

Okay I am on my way -Rose

Rose who was that whats wrong why are you crying -Jake

Derk is in the hospital and they wont tell me why -Rose

Hey its okay -Jake

Get Mary Alice in the car now -Rose

Okay -Jake

We got Mary Alice in the car Rosealie was driving she was going like 85 mph

Rose slow down -Jake

Just calm down -Rose

pull over and let me drive -Jake

no were 5 minutes away -Rose

We arrived at the hospital Rosealie ran in panicking

Hi were looking for Derk Regan -Rose

Room 107 -Nurse

Thanks -Rose

I ran to Derks room he was unconscious they had him hooked up to all these machines I grabbed his hands

Rose calm down -Jake

What is wrong with him who found him he looks like he has been unconscious for hours -Rose

Hey look at me just chill -Jake

You must be Rosealie -Nurse

Yes can you tell me what is wrong with him -Rose

Yes he went unconscious because of not consuming enough food dehydration and lack of sleep -Nurse

Omg -Rose

I will be back in 5 -Nurse

Okay -Rose

Uncle Derk -Mary Alice

Jake call Kenz or Hayes or Ashton one of them I dont want her hear with this right now -Rose

Okay give me your phone mine is in the car -Jake

I called Hayes and he picked up

Hey whats up -Hayes

I am gonna come drop Mary Alice off to you -Jake

Why is everything okay -Hayes

Derk is in the hospital and Rose doesnt want Mary Alice here -Jake

Okay I will meet you down by the flower shop -Hayes

Okay -Jake

I brought Mary Alice to Hayes he was on his way to Ashtons I went back to Rose and Derk at  the hospital Rose was sitting in Derks room in the chair crying

Hey Rose are you okay -Jake

The nurse told me that he has been like this for 4 hours what is he doesnt come back Rose

He will they need to get the amount off food and water in his system he lost Jake

Okay -Rose

Rose and I sat in the waiting room she would see if his heart was beating every once in a while the next time she did it she buzzed for a nurse because Rose said his heart beat was stronger than it was before

Is everything okay -Nurse

Yes you need to take those paddles and clear him he has a strong heart beat -Rose

Good -Nurse

They cleared Derk and he opened his eyes and put his hands up to cover his face

Here Derk let me adjust the lights -Rose

Rosealie adjusted the lights she has mascara running down her face she was crying

Rosealie please dont cry -Derk

Lack of sleep dehydration lack of food intake -Rose

I havent had time for any of those because now that you dont live with me I fear of whats gonna happen to you when you lived with me it was easier -Derk

Idc -Rose

I am sorry -Derk

Its fine but you went unconscious I didnt think you were gonna come back I thought you were gone for ever -Rose

Hey come here -Derk

I went and sat next to Derk on the bed he held one hand up to my face pulled me down to kiss my cheek

You listen to me dont ever think like that again I will always be here I will die when its time but let me tell you something I will be here when ever you need me -Derk

Ik and I love you just keep yourself healthy is all I ask -Rose

Okay -Derk

They want you to stay here for the next week -Rose

I cant -Derk

Then you need to sign a paper to prove you will keep your self healthy -Rose

I will -Derk

Okay let me go get them -Rose

Okay -Derk

Rose left and Jake put his phone away

Hey listen you have put your sister threw a lot she worries bout you every day -Jake

Ik she does and I love her and she needs to under stand I can take care of my self but her protection is my everything and I need her to promise me she will be safe with you and any were she goes -Derk

She can promise you she will be safe with me I wont let any one hurt my love -Jake

Ik you wont -Derk

I cam back with the papers those 2 were talking I already signed the discharge papers he just has to sign this one sheet and when he does I will go return it to the lady up front and Derk could get dressed

I got dressed Rose brought me jeans a cut off and my hoodie and my boots instead of my sneakers

Ready to go -Derk

Yeah lets go -Rose

We left and went into the parking lot we got in the car and it wouldnt start

Oh come on -Rose

I got out and popped the hood I finally got the engine to start Derk sat in the front Jake sat in the back I angled the mirror so I could see him he looked up and smiled at me and locked his eyes back on his phone screen

Jake what are you doing Rose

Nothing -Jake

Okay sure your not -Rose

I am serious I am deleting certain icons -Jake

Okay -Rose  

Derk you need to start eating sleeping and drinking -Rose

Ik I am sorry but I -Derk

No excuses  -Rose

Okay okay -Derk 

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