Feeling Drunk

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I brought Rose up stairs to bed she laid down she had Derks jacket on she laid down in it and found his phone so she started going through it

Hey dont go through his phone their sunshine -Jake

Please -Rose

No give it to me -Jake

I handed Jake the phone he put it on the night stand and told me to lay down but the thing is I cant sleep so  I half to fake it 

Rosealie no faking it either Ik how your mind works you promised me you would get sleep at night -Jake

I will trust me -Rose 

I closed my eyes a half hour later I woke up to my phone going off Jake was awake watching tv he took my phone from me read the message and put my phone in the drawer 

Hey -Rose

Your not getting your phone back for a while -Jake 

No -Rose

Yes -Jake

Rose went back to sleep and I started going through her phone boys were sending her pics of them selfs at least she ignored them I put her phone back after I seen the one pic I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head and whispered the words I will protect you from everyone in her ear she shifted her body so she was facing me 

I got up early and went to go get in the shower I washed my hair with lavender shampoo and Strawberry body wash I stayed in a little longer and let the water over me it felt good relaxing I was still upset that I couldnt have my phone I turned the water off and grabbed a towel I wrapped it around me I slid the glass door open their stood Jake washing his face I took my blow drier out and dried my hair Jake had clothes in here he got in the shower I brushed my hair and my teeth and washed my face after I did that I went to the closet to pick out an outfit I put on my bra and panties then my short short tank top high tops and beanie grabbed my lap top and sat on my bed

I got out of the shower put my clothes in and went out to see Rose on her lap top I took it from her 

Wtf was that for -Rose

No internet -Jake

Whatever -Rose 

Listen tomorrow Derk is throwing a party with alcohol and stuff like that we in -Jake

Idk -Rose

Please it will be fun -Jake

No I cant if I start to drink I wont stop -Rose

Okay -Jake

Sorry -Rose

Its fine -Jake

Can I have my phone please -Rose

No -Jake

Fine -Rose

Rose turned on the tv and laid their she was board 

Hey I am sorry but its for your protection -Jake

Ik Rose

Good now come here -Jake

No -Rose

What -Jake

No -Rose

Rose turned on her side and ignored me 

Rosealie please you know its to keep you safe -Jake

Really I cant even contact any one if their was an emergency -Rose

I am sorry but -Jake

I was cut off by Rose going out on to the roof and sitting 

Rose come down please -Jake

Leave me alone -Rose

I climbed out the window and went up to Rose she turned away 

Please talk to me -Jake

No -Rose

Plea -Jake

I was cut off again but this time by Rose kissing me I kissed back I made it in the window Rose slipped and caught her self holding on

Jake help -Rose

I got you -Jake

I pulled her up but she kept slipping Hayes Ashton Derk and Kenz arrived

Help me please -Rose

I heard my sister scream I look up she is holding on for her life Jakes house is 6 stories high she was holding on she got her foot up but slipped she couldnt get her other hand up 

Rose -Derk 

Help me please -Rose

Ashton go up to Jake Hayes and I will stay down here -Derk 

Okay -Ashton 

I ran up the stairs and into  their bedroom I put my hand out for Rose she grabbed it we pulled her in when we got her in she put one arm around my  neck and one around Jakes we both put an arm around her back she cried

Are you okay -Jake

I am fine -Rose

Good -Ashton 

Rose -Derk 

Hi -Rose 

Are you okay -Hayes

I am fine -Rose

Rose laid down on the bed and looked at us when she seen Kenzie come in with Mary Alice and Leah she got excited 

Hi princess -Rose

Mama -Mary Alice

Has she been have -Rose

She has been fine I am taking her back with me Derk

No -Rose

Yes -Derk 

No -Rose

Please she is my daughter -Rose

Not tonight you are not steady right now -Derk 

Please -Rose

No enough is enough if you want to keep this up I will take custody of her -Derk

I felt my heart stop I felt tears trickle down my cheeks I handed Mary Alice to Hayes and ran out of the room 

Rosealie -Derk 

Leave me alone now -Rose

No just listen -Derk

Rose was going through the kitchen drawer she pulled out 2 knives 

Put them down -Derk 

No -Rose

Help me down here -Derk

Why whats wrong -Jake

Rose has knives -Derk 

Hayes and I went down stairs Ashton came down after Kenz stayed up stairs with the girls

Rose put them down -Jake

Why is it i cant do this see this person talk to this person -Rose

Put the knives down please -Derk 

Rose went to go get Ashtons ankle he jumped over the kitchen island Rose went after Hayes he knocked them out of her hands and tied her hands with his belt

Let me go -Rose

Calm down -Jake

No i said let me go -Rose

Please calm down -Ashton

Rose kicked Ashton in his nuts and then went for Hayes he grabbed her leg and held it up 

Stop this its not you -Hayes 

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